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if you could have anythink you wanted for xmas what would it be

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Guest ferret feller

a big scottish highlands house with a few hundrad achers with a moat around my house.... and draw bridge too keep peasents away..... can they swim? ooh and some kennels inside the moat aswell....

and a lovely car one of those 8 wheeler atvs with a v8 in it........ aston martin for my dad...... mabey a book for my mum....... and the sister can share the book..... girlfreind can have ann summers as a play room........

unselfishlly i could have a cure for hiv for my uncle..... a cure for ms for my other uncle......a cure for motornurone disease for my best freinds dad.....ooh and infinity life and ammo.......

ooh and all the most famous dogs from top working lines not show shit or it will be on the street on cristmas :laugh:

do you think anyones got all these going cheep?

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I just thought of something else....


A night away somewhere really scenic. In a nice country pub with luxury rooms with a bath big enough for two.


Ya. I could cope with that.


Probably I'll just end up with a load of toddler snot, too much washing up to do, and a headache.


Christmas is crap :laugh:

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