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lack of bunnys

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Has any body else noticed that there seems to be a hell of a lack of bunnys around cumbria, where I am in ulverston there's usaly plenty but lately theres nothing there is plenty of roe,fox and baddgers aboute but no rabbit or hares even whe ive been out ferreting lately there isnt much at all couple hear and there and no real evidence of mixy. :unsure:

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due to two years of rain the beswt places for rabbs latelyhas been coastline and well there are pests who eat rabbits to a good few localy, but you need to work to get them ,along a l railway but dodgy for dogs no good, had more hares localy than last yearand a few more vermin .always roe about sas the price in the game dealers is poor ,but privatly fine , all in all not comlaining you just have to find places and look further a feild

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Has any body else noticed that there seems to be a hell of a lack of bunnys around cumbria, where I am in ulverston there's usaly plenty but lately theres nothing there is plenty of roe,fox and baddgers aboute but no rabbit or hares even whe ive been out ferreting lately there isnt much at all couple hear and there and no real evidence of mixy. :unsure:




For me and the boys to go out and have a good day out ive got 2 drive all the way 2 west wales and it takes me 2 hours 2 get there! The rabbits around where we are r few and far between! We leave off them 2 try and get them 2 recover but its been like this 4 the last 2 years. What I cant get most of all is the increase of foxes there is just so many of them about!

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well kill the fechers and re itroduce the rabbs like what people do with pheasants it does work done it as kids and started a plague of them and as adults they paid us to contriol them, but just luck how that hapen as there were twenty years inbetween letting them go and getting paid for controling them

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VHD, is rampant over here at the moment and is spreading fast.......... :(



Thats the one Frank whoever released this into the rabbit population wants shooting imo it's devastated some of the area's around me almost wiping them all out. If it keeps going like this they'll become an endangered species. Theres a few areas were it hasn't taken hold yet but like myxie it will get there sooner or later. :(

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Undisputed is right, its more than just myxy and predators they have always been around, something else is killing them and its doing a damn good job :( Theres little pockets of rabbits left here and there around me, but you have to really work hard for them, and you never see them in the numbers you used to. I was talking to some old boys who have done the ferreting around here for years and they had a couple of days out last week and got less than 50 which is dismal considering years ago they would have taken treble figures easily in a weekends ferreting. I think it will take a long time for the numbers to come back, some places I have seen them completely vanish and its sad to see :(

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Love being on the coast line me ha ha!! lots of fun ;) xxx


There is one field that pisses me off the most, you can drive past it and every night i have been past it with Karl (he showed me it!) it is just littered with rabbits :o I so wish i was aloud to lamp on there and shoot <_<


Have been told the guy that owns the field would shoot ya head off if you did anything on his ladnd though!! God its soo tempting Grrrrrrrr!!!

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