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That's a bummer!

I like to load up my mags and head off to my permissions. As I usually shoot in the dark, this is quite convenient.

If I have to keep everything seperate, i's going to be a proper pain in the bottom doing all the loading by head torch, which will also bugger up any night vision I've managed to build in my walk to the fields. I can drive to the far side of my favorite one and start from the west heading east (not good generally), or hike for about a mile along a public right of way and jump a fence and head west (usually into the wind).

I'm also not keen on carrying around 'tinned' pellets - they make a hell of a rattle.

I usually have my 2 x 8 pellet magazines plus another dozen or so wrapped in a bit of bog paper just in case my luck eventually changes.


Can anyone clarify what 'securely fastened' means? Zipped up? Padlocked?

Dunno about you lot, but when I head out at night / early morning, I avoid other folks like the plague! The last thing I want is some backpacker loosing it and running off screaming.

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There was a shooter from just round the corner from me that got prosecuted for carrying a magazine loaded with pelletes and the rifle on his back in the gun slip. the police charged him with carrying a loaded firearm in public when he queryed this the police said that even tho the magazine wasnt in the gun they still class it s a loaded firearm. i also phoned the local firearms department to me and they said the same if you have a loaded magazine even tho its nowere near the gun it is still classed as a loaded firearm hope this helps

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There was a shooter from just round the corner from me that got prosecuted for carrying a magazine loaded with pelletes and the rifle on his back in the gun slip. the police charged him with carrying a loaded firearm in public when he queryed this the police said that even tho the magazine wasnt in the gun they still class it s a loaded firearm. i also phoned the local firearms department to me and they said the same if you have a loaded magazine even tho its nowere near the gun it is still classed as a loaded firearm hope this helps



Thanks for the reply Graham, this is certainly the impression i was always under, and it was the way i was originally taught to think of it and so it is now second nature to me. I was just trying to see if i was correct in my knowledge of this [apparently] little known 'quirk'. This definately confirms my practices and belief on this point.


Thanks again bud,


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There was a shooter from just round the corner from me that got prosecuted for carrying a magazine loaded with pelletes and the rifle on his back in the gun slip. the police charged him with carrying a loaded firearm in public when he queryed this the police said that even tho the magazine wasnt in the gun they still class it s a loaded firearm. i also phoned the local firearms department to me and they said the same if you have a loaded magazine even tho its nowere near the gun it is still classed as a loaded firearm hope this helps



Thanks for the reply Graham, this is certainly the impression i was always under, and it was the way i was originally taught to think of it and so it is now second nature to me. I was just trying to see if i was correct in my knowledge of this [apparently] little known 'quirk'. This definately confirms my practices and belief on this point.


Thanks again bud,



This old dog just learnt a new trick :icon_redface:

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This old dog just learnt a new trick :icon_redface:





None of us are ever to old to learn mate. ;) I am sure that we are ALL learning ALL of the time in here bud - if the truth be told. :victory:


That is the beauty of the place that is THL - we can all pick up useful bits on here from each other, and that is the best benefit of being among the membership of a place such as this, Innit!? ;):yes:





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I phone the police if i'm out, there are too many "non country" types here. Saves a visit from the ARU!

Always get a reference number from them too.


I like to think that when a member of the public phones in because they have seen "A man with a gun" that the old bill will put them straight. If their call was genuine concern, or malicious - "because they just dont like hunting" It's nice that you are one step ahead.

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Intresitng article Grim... :clapper:


I just wasted 10 mins of my life sharing it with Terry D...never again. :doh:


In the words of a long departed freind from THL " You gotta love Terry the veggie"


My way or the highway.... springs to mind.


As for not putting the rabbit out of its missery..never in a million years, it takes seconds.


I understand both side of the argument, but it is never something i have considered my self in breach of the law by doing.

I dont have a multishot air rifle any longer, but when i first had a rapid seven, they were alway loaded, but carried seperately.


Furthermore, if I am driving between fields, when lamping for either fox or rabbit, I always unload my rimmie or C/F, but never unload the magazine.. It would go in my pocket or in centre seat box in the landy.. There..thats opoened a can of worms hasn't it..


Same scenario..higher stakes...


But i always ring plod when shooting at night..every time..no exception.


As has been stated in both posts, I think it is down to interpretation by the official who is dealing with it, so it is best to check locally..


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Intresitng article Grim... :clapper:


I just wasted 10 mins of my life sharing it with Terry D...never again. :doh:Sorry to hear that mate. ;)


In the words of a long departed freind from THL " You gotta love Terry the veggie"Please don't feel under any obligation to do this bud. :11:


My way or the highway.... springs to mind.You can't educate pork. ;)


As for not putting the rabbit out of its missery..never in a million years, it takes seconds. Absolutely, I agree.


I understand both side of the argument, but it is never something i have considered my self in breach of the law by doing.

I dont have a multishot air rifle any longer, but when i first had a rapid seven, they were alway loaded, but carried seperately.


Furthermore, if I am driving between fields, when lamping for either fox or rabbit, I always unload my rimmie or C/F, but never unload the magazine.. It would go in my pocket or in centre seat box in the landy.. There..thats opoened a can of worms hasn't it..


Same scenario..higher stakes...


But i always ring plod when shooting at night..every time..no exception.


As has been stated in both posts, I think it is down to interpretation by the official who is dealing with it, so it is best to check locally..




Thanks for the reply Matty. It seems that my thoughts and learnings on the loaded magazine issue have also been used by others, and it was just a reply i made to the original post, and I was just trying to point out the point so that others could make their own way with it - but like you say, never again! LOL




All the best pal,


Edited by Grim Reaper
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Intresitng article Grim... :clapper:


I just wasted 10 mins of my life sharing it with Terry D...never again. :doh:


In the words of a long departed freind from THL " You gotta love Terry the veggie"


My way or the highway.... springs to mind.


As for not putting the rabbit out of its missery..never in a million years, it takes seconds.


I understand both side of the argument, but it is never something i have considered my self in breach of the law by doing.

I dont have a multishot air rifle any longer, but when i first had a rapid seven, they were alway loaded, but carried seperately.


Furthermore, if I am driving between fields, when lamping for either fox or rabbit, I always unload my rimmie or C/F, but never unload the magazine.. It would go in my pocket or in centre seat box in the landy.. There..thats opoened a can of worms hasn't it..


Same scenario..higher stakes...


But i always ring plod when shooting at night..every time..no exception.


As has been stated in both posts, I think it is down to interpretation by the official who is dealing with it, so it is best to check locally..



i have a few mates that go hunting with me but mostly with dogs or ferrets & whont kill the rabbits if there still alive & have to get me to do it or the dog witch i dont understand they will shoot a rabbit but whont even kill it with a stick or anythink. :icon_eek: there is some strange people about but if you make you self sceerce it is funy sometimes watching them run round lost allmost in a panic with a live rabbit as if it was going to give them mixi or somethink lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the "putting out of misery theme" Ive taken people out on my permission who would happily shoot and accidently wound rabbits and watch them suffer than ending their suffering and when Ive necked them or used other methods Ive been called a psyco sick fu*ken cruel bas*ard. Some people should never have survived childhood!!

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