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Guest mickyrichardson

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Guest mickyrichardson

Found this on the back left leg of my 11yo lurcher has anyone seen anything like it she will be going to the vets tomorrow i just would like to no what you guys think it is REGARDS MICKRICHpost-27448-1228251453.jpg

Edited by mickyrichardson
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  mickyrichardson said:
come on guys give me your opinion im not tryimg to catch anyone out i aint got the foggiest idea what it may be


Small lumps, bumps, growths, and skin tags are very common on older dogs. If it looks suspicious (keep growing, grows very quickly, strange color, bleeds or is crusty, etc.) have your vet do a biopsy on it to check for malignancy. If a bump is harmless I will usually leave it alone, unless it is in a spot that gets injured easily or it impedes the dog's movement. I've had a couple old dogs that got quite lumpy.

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My labx gets/has a few skin tags on elbows & body, my collie had papiloma which he had removed. Keep an eye on it, if it starts to grow quick or goes manky looking take dog to vets. Most of the skin tags are harmless- some turn cancerous. The pic is a bit blurred.

Nothing you can do at minute unless you want peace of mind & then it's only vet that can really tell you.

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