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bedlington greyhounds how do you rate them?

Guest ferret feller

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i have a a beddy/whipp x grey, not a bad little fella really, dosnt mind getting stuck in when he has to either!!! great temprament

was brought purley as a rabbit/ferreting dog but dosnt mind the odd red fella! i think thers alot of good to be said for beddy crosses as long as u get the right beddy in em of course!

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  Big bald beautiful said:
mine was 2 yrs old and only ever opened up on daylight hares the rare times it got to see one, it did catch a few on the lamp.

i never tried him on roe as he was only 23" and i aint keen on deer screaming out as they drag a small dog about.seen it with whippets and its not for me.i like a bigger weighty dog for roe



Good advice, I would agree with that :yes:

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I had a beddlington x whippet that opened up recall was shocking as a lot can be but I got her at 11month old by the time she was 2year old she was very good with recall but never managed to combat the opening up but she became a cracking little ferreting dog with exellent nose and very good on rats she only made 18" TTS. Now I have stich he's 25"TTS first cross beddy x greyhound 14month old never opens up courage of a lion and the only injury was a nick on the neck when he was sizing a barb wire fence before he jumped it and it whent bad as a lot of neck injurys tend to, recall is spot on with him but have heard that anything with beddy in it can be a bugger but I rate him and you couldnt get two more different dogs. :)

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Guest greengrass123

Mine was 23tts and never once opened, heart like a lion would tackle anything, best thing about her was her incredible nose, if she marked you could guarantee there was one at home. Downside i could never break her to cats, she hated them more than charlie. Would certainly reccomend one, temprament was great. Any dog will open up if entered too young. :good:

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Both mine are around 22" / 23" tts.

Recall when working is good, when exercising they are a nightmare!! They just want to work, find walking dull so try and get into the park to find something to chase!


Cats have been no problem with mine, but had the cats before the dogs so now they all sleep in together no problem at all.

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My dogs mainly beddy/whippet x beddy/greyhound and done me well over the years.


He's a very keen dog and never had trouble with opening up, was a pleasure to train and retrieves well, likes taking rabbits off my mates dog and fetching them back aswell. He's about 23 inches tts.


I keep him inthe house and he is good with other people, dogs and ferrets.


Only injeries have been stitches due to barbred wire and some swelling and brusing after he ran full pelt into a grain trailer draw bar after a rabbit.











Shot and retrieved



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  Big bald beautiful said:
ran one for a while( gave it back when my uncle lost his), he was ok on lamped rabbits, was keen on foxs but lacked the weight to do them single handed.would scream its head off when behind a hare, to small and hadnt the pace to get near one.


why has the weight got any thing to do with killing a fox a terrier can kill charlie and iv seen 19" - 20" whippets kill them single handed i think its down to the dogs heart im not trying to cause an arguement but if you ask me bedlington xs wheaton xs and bull xs should all take fox as there bred into hounds to put a bit of gameness in them

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  ferret feller said:
first crosses jembo? got any pics?



i ve had a few different crosses in my time i ve got a beddy x greyhound bitch she s on her second season now and doing well retrieving live to hand i ve also got a 1\4 beddy x 3\4 greyhound but he s onlt 9 months so have nt started him yet but in my opinion cant bat them as an all rounder and and if a dog is a yaper in my opinion its nothing to do with its breeding but a mistake on the owners part a dog is what u make it. tempermant wise i love these dogs there so laid back at home u d think they were stoned but out in the field they put a smile on ur face but hey each to there own

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