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bedlington greyhounds how do you rate them?

Guest ferret feller

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Guest ferret feller


i wanted too know if anyone owns or knows of any beddie greys... iv heard the beddie whippet is a popular cross but id like to know about the beddie greys....

what are they like temperment wise? agility? what size do they generally make? do they pick up maney injurys during normal work oposed to other mixes? ad how do you rate them on bigger stuff (fallow, roe, fox)

all the best


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mine was 2 yrs old and only ever opened up on daylight hares the rare times it got to see one, it did catch a few on the lamp.

i never tried him on roe as he was only 23" and i aint keen on deer screaming out as they drag a small dog about.seen it with whippets and its not for me.i like a bigger weighty dog for roe

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