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That black and cream Saluki type is just superb.


Whin: would you say that the jack rabbits are harder than our brown hares over in the UK? I've read Dutch's book: Gazehounds and Coursing: a brilliant read. Does he still keep dogs with a bit of the scent hound in them? I really liked his idea of the Redman's breeding. Do tell a bit more about some of the courses you've seen over in the States! Please!

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maybe one day sky cat ill put a book and some pictures to gether a real life book about they way it is over here and over in the usa hunting ive got tons of good pics and videos but alals im wary of comps , i could tell a thousand stories that are true about my hunting jaunts all over ,not all nice tho some a bit hard to swallo with dogs getting killed in feilds ,getting banged up for a long weekend , but as real as the sno im watching as its still going

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jack rabbits are harder over in new mexico as you cant see them they are used to predators and dont carry no fat longer legged and faster ,they dont jink as much but can get to forty plus on a run, you need pace grit and determanaition to kill regulary saw saluki s and saluki types fail stag hounds fail but saw some dogs bred for there and do well as they have greyhound pace stamina and strong feet as its hard ground

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sky cat have you ever traveld far to course or have you got coursing type dogs , the father to the cream one the cambridge cup th e mothe is the colli cross all the pups are well and strong get pics all the time good to see , some people breed litts and hardly get a good dog some if you no the breed you can get lucky , no pot lickers in there breding sky cay but a bit full on at times for quite walks thyel kill were ever there game and nort at the most appropraite of times

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ye the old bitch is still in good nick for coming on nine , when in her prime well ,wide chest deep very fast and lethal , should had the brains to breed her more when young, but when you need them to work cant afford to have them pupped , she got run over at five and had pins in her leg shee still caught game , some dog had long dog runner up with bruce i think she made bolting rabbs look easy , and wi a gammie leg , saw her toe hares deer three feilds and still kill them a real dog , last of the colli line of that type , never seen her type roe rabbs hare foxes and other ground animals fallow didnt matter what it was , the cream and black saluki is her daughter and my mates got her brother strong and powerfull dogs hippy , got some topping pics with game and boting rabbs , daughters the same with more wind on january hares and boxes them in but still got pace etc

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she would lie in nettles when they are potent in spring to kill rabbs or a fox not had many lurchers who would do that or go in to brambles to pull a pheasant or other game , not for the inexpierenced owner tho , or once a week type of guy ,

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  whin said:
sky cat have you ever traveld far to course or have you got coursing type dogs , the father to the cream one the cambridge cup th e mothe is the colli cross all the pups are well and strong get pics all the time good to see , some people breed litts and hardly get a good dog some if you no the breed you can get lucky , no pot lickers in there breding sky cay but a bit full on at times for quite walks thyel kill were ever there game and nort at the most appropraite of times


I've never run outside Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire: when you've got good ground on your doorstep there isn't really any great incentive to travel LOL.

I had a couple of decent dogs a while back, and have got a young dog here now who will be soon starting his career: so far he's only seen a few rabbits and stuff out of cover: he is purpose bred from good stuff and I know just what you mean about 'full on'. :whistling: The hunting instinct in all the Saluki types I've had is little short of awesome, but mine are brought up the same as the rabbiting dogs and are seldom on a lead: and yes, it can lead to the odd problem. :icon_redface::D


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nice type, bred one brindle bitch when i put my blond saluki cross to straight greyhound a few years ago freinds got it nice bitch , good bone on your dogs hocks something i look for , had to educate a few people about feet and bone when you live in areas were they are running all sorts of ground and none grassy, all stony stubbles with ruts and winter wheat , some of the so called dog lads dont run winter wheat ,as theyll get showing up on strong hares in winter ,are thye like that round [bANNED TEXT] way just want to run stubble rape and soft plough ,alot of dogs cant hack fast land and big starts on hares ,ill be down your way after christmas for a weeks hunting all the best

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Know a few people who only want to run plough: LOL I've got dogs here now I'd scarcely call hare dogs but they'd annilihate hares on plough and stubble. Personally I love seeing a good dog run the wheat: makes it a more equal contest, though the small fast line I had couldn't pick up on plough: talking 22" bitches here: once they hit the wheat it was game over.

The big lad was only 8 months old in the pic: feet like hooves and masses of bone: love him to bits lOL

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im afraid ive not got as much choice its winter wheat and more winter wheat as the hares dont lie in the stubble at this time of year there in the woods cover so once they start showing there selve end of jan feb you start geting good runs ,and able to pick your feilds to get decent courses , was out to today with black and fawn bitch she just come of a bad injury but healed up well she chased several bolting rabbs caught a few and is feched sleeping gave her a drink and put the heat lamp on and a bit rabbit , sheel be rewady in three weeeks to exersise the hares, shees a trier and done to much the day as she hadnt ran for six weeks

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