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rabbit traping

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Nobody posts anymore about rabbit trapping ,it just seems to be all about lamping at the moment,well last week i caught 119 rabbits , 2 rats and a stoat ,using 40 fenns and 15 BGs,enough to win the lamping comp, and you dont have feed em ;)micky ;)

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i work 200 mk6 fenns and just over 100 116 bg,s at different times of the year, was gonna get the bg,s out today with a few snares , but theres a good covering of snow on them thar hills so its gonna have to wait til it clears

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i work 200 mk6 fenns and just over 100 116 bg,s at different times of the year, was gonna get the bg,s out today with a few snares , but theres a good covering of snow on them thar hills so its gonna have to wait til it clears

They never tire or need feeding do they,do you use a setter for the body grips?i have to ,is there a setter for fenns,there ought to be.theres a lot of gorse near me and ifind a BG on a stand 4 inch high is deadly ,i seem to do better with them in the air as they have to hop through ,makeing them more committed than they would be if they were just creeping through the run and the trap was on the ground .Where i live is overrun with badgers and foxs ,so its a race to get there first ,i find that rabbits are safer in a trap than a snare,ive not worked out yet, if its because there dead, or the predators are shy of the metalwork

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i work 200 mk6 fenns and just over 100 116 bg,s at different times of the year, was gonna get the bg,s out today with a few snares , but theres a good covering of snow on them thar hills so its gonna have to wait til it clears

They never tire or need feeding do they,do you use a setter for the body grips?i have to ,is there a setter for fenns,there ought to be.theres a lot of gorse near me and ifind a BG on a stand 4 inch high is deadly ,i seem to do better with them in the air as they have to hop through ,makeing them more committed than they would be if they were just creeping through the run and the trap was on the ground .Where i live is overrun with badgers and foxs ,so its a race to get there first ,i find that rabbits are safer in a trap than a snare,ive not worked out yet, if its because there dead, or the predators are shy of the metalwork



just another tool to me , certain times and situations need different methods , i just like trapping , i suppose , don,t use anything to set the traps but me hands

most of the bg,s are set in overgrown runs , thru hedges, fences or heather , the tunnels they dig under rabbit fencing is a good place for bg,s , i trap alot in wire tunnels placed on the run thru a broken dry stone wall

i think the fact that the rabbit is not squeeling like in a snare , is why foxes and badgers don,t bother them as much

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Yep been known to dabble in it, run several mk6,s, infact picked up 50 beauties off a certain Moley to add to my other 250 or so, cant get on with the other buggers, may have to take a trip oop north to get some tuition. :secret: :ninja:

My favourite by a whisker though is the wires, light, quick to set and VERY effective, OH, and did i mention cheap to replace.

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Yep been known to dabble in it, run several mk6,s, infact picked up 50 beauties off a certain Moley to add to my other 250 or so, cant get on with the other buggers, may have to take a trip oop north to get some tuition. :secret: :ninja:

My favourite by a whisker though is the wires, light, quick to set and VERY effective, OH, and did i mention cheap to replace.

i have snared one or two rabbits but i,m certainly not as good as some of the other lads on here , i think you got to keep changing the method to suit the place and to stop getting stale , i get sick if i,m ferreting day after day and want a change , same with trapping and other control methods nice to do summat different every now and then, this snow is really buggering the job up at the moment , i,m having to spend all morning chasing rabbits about with the dogs and shotty , then all afternoon on fox drives , such is life

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Can anyone point me in the direction of info on rabbit trapping? I have a difficult area that cannot be shot or ferreted.


I'm not as experienced a trapper as some of the other guys responding here, I only have 4 mk 6 traps and a dozen Mk 4s. The method I use however is very effective. I first go and fill in all the holes, shoveling as much muck as I can down them and I tramp it hard. I then trap the ones they open up. I push the unset trap down the hole to see how far it needs to go, ie it wants to nearly fill the tunnel when sprung. I scrape a shallow depression for it to sit in "I use an onion hoe from a garden centre, a little one handed thing". set the trap and put the safety on. place in the hole. I set them fairly kittle, so they go off easily. If the soil is very dry, ie in summer, I sometimes put a bit of kitchen roll over the trap before covering with sifted soil, or at least pick stones out. A stick can be used to support the pan if you want, as if you keep springing it, it can "encourage course language" safety off last. Job done. I usually peg mine, as I've had them disappear. Any I've done, it's been a pretty ruthless reduction of the rabbit numbers.

Edited by ianrob
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Im trapping rabbits on a small farm at the moment, it is arable, and I work one hedge line a day, moving around the farm until ive done a full circle, this seems to be keeping the returns qite high, and so the farmer is happy seeing a few being accounted for every day. Im using Mk6's. Once ive got round the whole place Il likely revert to other methods. I dont do much trapping though, I prefer to use the ferrets, dogs, guns and nets when I can, but like you say, the trap is in need of no feed or maintanence costs, and is working while you sleep.

There will always be a place for them with me.

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My ferrets are coming into season next thing there will be young rabbits hopping about thats when i start trapping you can still make a dent in rabbit numbers before the covers to high and the young rabbits are handy ferret food

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I use live catch traps to mop up any stragglers in gardens or padocks etc, dont find them much use for taking large numbers though, run my mk6 fenns mostly in the summer months or in follow up to large ferreting jobs. never been a fan of bodygrip traps.


very good for certain situations , i have trapped plenty in hole mouths , but certainly wouldn,t do it as run of the mill, i,ll sort out some pics to put up now that i,m a computer wizzard

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