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Any one tried this gun?

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very nice guns, a poormans rapid a lot call them, mine was nice but pellet fussy.

the standard silencers are crap so fit a logun or weihrauch one.

only thing you may find is the pellt holders can be funny about indexing round.these get fixed free from bsa if you send them back.

you can have one blue printed for about £75 , the designer who used to work for bsa will tune it and take all the rough edges off and it will shoot like a different gun.


try and shoulder one as you may not like the weight and feel

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mate go try one for size see if you like it . weight feel ect


i wanted an air arms s410 but tryed one didnt like it .. tryed bsa superten bullbarrel carbine .22

i liked weight, feel . and bolt to cycle mag down side ,

got one in walnut great rifle they are pellet on pellet at 50 yards in bench test ..


ive had mine blueprinted now and had silencer upgrade done to bullbarrel not that it needed it jb just did it lol

ive had it 7 months now use it every dinner . and at night lamping now and then ,every night in summer . most weekends hell im always out with it lol



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Just wondering is anyone has this gun or tried it(or the bull barrel version) i would love to hear the good and bad point, thinking about saving for one, thanks

Hello mate, ive got one of these in my cabinet, shoots very well once you get the right pellets (its fussy on what it shoot accurately), my friend bought it for £600 and butchered it! lol! Cut the stock down, put huge wacking bolts through the stock, sanded the barrel to silver! So i got it and need to get a new bottle and stock when i get round to it. Let me know what shoot you'll be at next and ill bring it along with my rapid and s200 for you to try, it's a heavy gun, probably too heavy for you but you can try :thumbs:

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