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Well you know what they say !! You pays your money and you takes your chance ...

Iv had all three over the years and lots of them my own and company 4x4s in my view you cant better a landrover ....parts are cheap and easy to get hold of ..discovery or freelander both about the same on mpg and insurance so your better getting the discovery as its got more room ie more dogs and more kit .Hope this help you make up your mind .....

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i've had a few Discoverys and to put it mildly they were all crap,not bad off road but the build quality is pure shite....

i'll list a few problems that Disco's have.....

the sunroofs always leak in...

the chassis rot...

the boot floor rots...

they usually crunch when selecting certain gears...

the door handles always stop working properly....

the runner what the electric windows sits in rots....

i'd go for a japanese motor everytime, more comfort, more power and definately more reliable.... ;)

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  claybusers al said:
steer clear of the freelander the disco and pajero are both good as for the surf i have 1 sitting on the front swore by hilux's for years the surf is S H I T E just spent £1000 on head rebuild then packed up again only 1000 miles on never again my range rover classic puts them to shame its up for sale as from tomorrow soft dash 300tdi 1yr mot


Should of got the 3.0, 2.4's are plagued with head trouble.


Freelanders are ok for MPG and very light offroad but seriously lack the grunt of a real 4X4 I've tried my OH's freelander and for all the traction control it cannot cope with anything more than a slippery grass field.

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  jamie g said:
i would have a trooper 3.1td. very good and lots of room. plus they go forever

I was gona say that my dads given me his to drive round the fields in now Because its worth nout (on red diesel) but starts and runs fine and has Big chunky tyres onit

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  • 2 weeks later...

disco or pajero out of them 3 myself id go for a landy 90 as the one i had was unstoppable or a trooper im getting a fourtrak next for lower insurance and there good trucks. if u get a freelander ull be wishing u got a disco or pajero cause thats what ull be getting towed out buy lol.

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I got the 3.0ltr shogun, mk11 done 200,000 miles has never got stuck and everything still works fine, unbelievable reliability.

Only drawback is it is a bit juicy, but get over that by using a yaris for day to day stuff.

Jap all the way for me. :good:

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