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Barbed wire

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bloody hell,

bet she's in some pain with that...


all the best !



She was picking up all day another member can verify she showed no signs of injury picking runners. all day only noticed when kennelled and she is sitting in front of fire as week speak doped up but doing fine thxs

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Kye's staghound bitch had a run-in with barbed wire this summer, it was a pretty decent gash and down into the muscle as well. We took her into the vet as it was a large upside down V-shaped tear and not a do-it-yerself job. The bitch ATE the stitched up flap off of her body around the ECollar, it was unbelievable. We thought it would be ages to heal, but it was about 6 weeks, wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself.



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its nasty stuff mate




found my grew bitch stuck on top of a barbwire fence , she had put up a rabbit and toke of up hill after it , didnt think she was stuck as she always hunts on ,was a good 5mins before i got to the top and found her :thumbdown:

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Oh f**k, I hate the stuff. You start thinking your dog must be made of wet tissue paper (well mine must be!) when they come back from nearly every walk cut up. That is one horrible cut.


I have loads of land and have got rid of every inch of barbed wire. Can't stand it for the horses either - does far too much damage. Disgusting invention.

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I'm not in favour of banning anything, but if I had the power I'd ban barbaric wire. To think this abomination was invented by man makes me shudder.

ESS I hope your dog does well mate, same goes for anyone who has a dog injured with the bloody stuff.



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oh that looks nasty, hope she's on the mend.



thanks for all the messages being honest she wont work again this season , it looks an abortion am worried that the stitching done by vet is that tight that the scar tissue will hinder her movement/speed ..Iwas charged 267.00 plus vat for the repair,putting into perspective to spay a bitch would have only cost me 130 when I mentioned this to the vet and queried the bill ,he said it was more than just a simple stitch job.I did notice that he had his christmas decs up after I payed.. :whistling:


She has drainage tube removed on Mon and of course I will be charged for that..

As for Barb wire I would to like it banned cant understand justification for it.

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That's not a bad price for alot of microsurgery at many different layers including probably repair of ligaments/tendons, etc. plus drain and everything else


My dog sliced his leg almost off (jumping out of the back of the Land Rover) down the bone and his bill was more like twice that and that was 6 years ago. BTW, I sued Land Rover and we settled out of Court (different story!).


But £267 for that kind of surgery is not bad from what I can see of the injury How long was the dog under for? My dog was under for 3 hours for hard-work, stitching so many different bits and layers back together.


It may look like an abortion now, but it will heal, hopefully 100%. My dog never healed. His foot has dropped and was retired from work at 7 years old.


So best of luck.

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oh that looks nasty, hope she's on the mend.



thanks for all the messages being honest she wont work again this season , it looks an abortion am worried that the stitching done by vet is that tight that the scar tissue will hinder her movement/speed ..Iwas charged 267.00 plus vat for the repair,putting into perspective to spay a bitch would have only cost me 130 when I mentioned this to the vet and queried the bill ,he said it was more than just a simple stitch job.I did notice that he had his christmas decs up after I payed.. :whistling:


She has drainage tube removed on Mon and of course I will be charged for that..

As for Barb wire I would to like it banned cant understand justification for it.



Hope she heals ok. If you pm me your address I can always send you some aloe vera gelly... promotes natural healing. Vet says heals 1/3rd quicker

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