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Casual Hunting

Guest Countryboyo

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Guest Countryboyo
my first lurcher was a beddy whippet greyhound and she was a great bitch but always wanted to hunt and got restless in kennels which is great if your hunting allday everyday the dog ive got know is much more layed back and is happy with a steady walk every day and steps it up when were out mooching hes a collie whippet greyhound my mates got a whippet greyhound which is a cracking first time dog its teaching him how to train it very easy going! the thing is you get out of a dog what you put into it yes a well bred lurcher will always want to hunt but i dont think youll ever get its full potential with casual hunting! ;)


Thanks. but ive a feeling that if im successfull with the dog i will probably go out a few times a week. I should realy try and get out with someone who has lurchers but unfortunately i dont know anyone with them. If anyone in the kerry or limerick area of ireland wouldnt mind taking me out and showing me the ropes some weekend it would be appreciated???


Now can anybody answer the wippet fox question?

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Thanks. but ive a feeling that if im successfull with the dog i will probably go out a few times a week. I should realy try and get out with someone who has lurchers but unfortunately i dont know anyone with them. If anyone in the kerry or limerick area of ireland wouldnt mind taking me out and showing me the ropes some weekend it would be appreciated???


Now can anybody answer the wippet fox question?


in that case mate a cross with whippet in it would be ideal ive seen a few straight whippets work now and one of them worked fox well pre ban the others ive seen lacked a bit i love whippet blood in a dog tho infact i can honeslty say i wouldnt own a lurcher without some whippet in it i think a beddy whippet greyhound would do the trick mate good luck! ;)

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Guest lurcherboy2008
colliexgrey , easy to train,catch rabbits easy, good coat+feet, a good nose, handle any weather and any ground, so a tough old dog. Size = 22-24ins 40- 55lb, just right for any game, a nice size lurcher not to big . ;)


id say the same thing :thumbs: nice collie grey would do you wonders.

id love a whippet. would they be able to handle the odd fox?


its in every dog pal, you just have to bring it out of them

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Guest Countryboyo
colliexgrey , easy to train,catch rabbits easy, good coat+feet, a good nose, handle any weather and any ground, so a tough old dog. Size = 22-24ins 40- 55lb, just right for any game, a nice size lurcher not to big . ;)


id say the same thing :thumbs: nice collie grey would do you wonders.

id love a whippet. would they be able to handle the odd fox?


its in every dog pal, you just have to bring it out of them


The more I think of it Its a whippet I want. What kind of prices would you be talking about for a whippet?

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colliexgrey , easy to train,catch rabbits easy, good coat+feet, a good nose, handle any weather and any ground, so a tough old dog. Size = 22-24ins 40- 55lb, just right for any game, a nice size lurcher not to big . ;)


id say the same thing :thumbs: nice collie grey would do you wonders.

id love a whippet. would they be able to handle the odd fox?


its in every dog pal, you just have to bring it out of them


The more I think of it Its a whippet I want. What kind of prices would you be talking about for a whippet?

whippets are expensive mate between 300 and 400 quid were as you will get

a good lurcher for half the price i keep whippets my self and think there brill

but pricey ;)

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Guest lurcherboy2008
colliexgrey , easy to train,catch rabbits easy, good coat+feet, a good nose, handle any weather and any ground, so a tough old dog. Size = 22-24ins 40- 55lb, just right for any game, a nice size lurcher not to big . ;)


id say the same thing :thumbs: nice collie grey would do you wonders.

id love a whippet. would they be able to handle the odd fox?


its in every dog pal, you just have to bring it out of them


The more I think of it Its a whippet I want. What kind of prices would you be talking about for a whippet?

whippets are expensive mate between 300 and 400 quid were as you will get

a good lurcher for half the price i keep whippets my self and think there brill

but pricey ;)


i wouldnt get a pure id get a X, something like collie grey, beddy grey or beddy wippet, thats my opinion though but its up to you to choose

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Will the dog be living in with your family? Do you have the daily time to put into training and exercising one?


If so, you can't really go wrong with a whippet or whippet cross. I've got a bitsa lurcher - grey/beddy/beardie/saluki mix. Excellent with the kids, in the house, easy to train, fab temperment. But I'd LOVE a whippet or whippet cross (in case Snoop is reading this :laugh:).


I have a pen out in my back garden to keep the dog. I do have the time to walk it and exercize it during the week.

but id like to know would a whippet be able to take a fox if i came across one? Its mostly just for rabbits i would want the dog though


I would say a beddy x whippet or grey - really good first lurchers.

I dont mean to sound rude, but you cannot really keep a dog in a pen in the back garden!! Especially a whippet as they really feel the cold. You would need a kennel with a heat lamp and even a coat on in the winter.

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Guest Countryboyo
Will the dog be living in with your family? Do you have the daily time to put into training and exercising one?


If so, you can't really go wrong with a whippet or whippet cross. I've got a bitsa lurcher - grey/beddy/beardie/saluki mix. Excellent with the kids, in the house, easy to train, fab temperment. But I'd LOVE a whippet or whippet cross (in case Snoop is reading this :laugh:).


I have a pen out in my back garden to keep the dog. I do have the time to walk it and exercize it during the week.

but id like to know would a whippet be able to take a fox if i came across one? Its mostly just for rabbits i would want the dog though


I would say a beddy x whippet or grey - really good first lurchers.

I dont mean to sound rude, but you cannot really keep a dog in a pen in the back garden!! Especially a whippet as they really feel the cold. You would need a kennel with a heat lamp and even a coat on in the winter.

No problem there is access to my indoor shed from the pen and I have a heat lamp. My heart is set on a whippet I think

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I'd say a 3/4 grey 1/4 collie bitch


  • easy to train
  • will take most things
  • has speed to burn
  • makes good all rounder
  • easy to live with


A half cross can be a handful and really need more work to stop them becoming bored.


In the end go for something you like the look of (you have got to live with it for next decade or so) then put plenty of training into it and you will be very happy.

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Guest Countryboyo

Sorry lads I forgot to mention I live in a dairy agricultural area and there are a lot of electric cattle fences. I know that these things can be very hasardous and this is another reason i would be looking for a smaller type running dog. Any extra advice considering the fences???

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