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Pure Saluki pups

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lovely looking pups mate. shame about all these hill billys that think its there choice how much you sell them for. once again he is selling them not asking how much he should sell them for just cause

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  chris 78 said:
  shaddow said:
they look right at home on that sofa

she be pleased when i show her these pictures

yeah they can be devillish when they wanna be though , hehe

hi shaddow its chris's wife here just wanted to tell you what a good job you`ve done with pups there really outgoing and confident. and im sure you will get a good home for that last pup as there all gorgouse i had a really hard time picking which ones to take myself . atb with the last pup. lisa


thanks lisa

we all spent so much time with the puppies making sure they were well socialised and outgoing

there wasnt a shy one in them , they all little pests

ive knocked back a couple of people to be honest for this last one cos as you now know were really picky on the homes

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  shaddow said:
Thanks to all who bought the puppies

but they are now all sold , just waitin for a couple of folk to collect


i wish you all the best of luck with them and hope they exceed all our expectations






A nice litter of pups, well done.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  whin said:
not a piont;less remark my freind ,,but arealisaition anything with a kc doubles in price ive been and saw hundreds of saluks coursing over in the usa no some top saluki people , but cant see the 900 pound tag ona working dog ,thtas all mate , this is working dog site bud if you realy want big money go to the pure saluk sites no offence but i no what my dogs do and otheres and none cats that type of money and , keep it real , there other sites for pure bred dogs im sure were theyll accomadate you maybe youll be lucky and sell afew all the best of luck



thanks for the positive remarks whin , i certainly did get lucky and sold all these beautys to proper dedicated lads who can all vouch they have got there moneys worth ten times over#

again i hope your as positive in all my future posts :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

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the way i look at life as i can fech a treid and tested home bred dog without forking 9oo for a pure with mayb not the same ability, not into breeding pure breeds but im lucky, i can get a saluki pure of coursing champs but need to pay import fees etc and in the long run no better than what i keep , but glad you got them off to decent homes half the battle , not a breed man ,more if it runs and catches fetches not to fussed if pure or not, and all round work with a jukel , imagine living were the game is on [bANNED TEXT] doorstep but sometimes dodgy, wouldnt want to pay near enough a g for a hare roe dog when you have treid and tested home bred dogs or mates dogs who are good to , some people like your self like a breed me i like a dog in any shape bred [bANNED TEXT] that does the biz , saw hundreds of saluks no better than crosses mate cheer for the informaition

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  whin said:
the way i look at life as i can fech a treid and tested home bred dog without forking 9oo for a pure with mayb not the same ability, not into breeding pure breeds but im lucky, i can get a saluki pure of coursing champs but need to pay import fees etc and in the long run no better than what i keep , but glad you got them off to decent homes half the battle , not a breed man ,more if it runs and catches fetches not to fussed if pure or not, and all round work with a jukel , imagine living were the game is on [bANNED TEXT] doorstep but sometimes dodgy, wouldnt want to pay near enough a g for a hare roe dog when you have treid and tested home bred dogs or mates dogs who are good to , some people like your self like a breed me i like a dog in any shape bred [bANNED TEXT] that does the biz , saw hundreds of saluks no better than crosses mate cheer for the informaition


if you go on my profile whin , you will find i like good coursing dogs in general , not just pures

and i have some top young prospects for next season too and they are saluki crosses/hybrids , not pures or kc reg

i also have a very well bred pure bitch and was a very good coursing bitch in her day , i bred her with top coursing pure saluki blood to keep the line going , and give people the opportunity to own a 100% proven coursing pure saluki pup..and ive achieved this with great pleasure

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  whin said:
the way i look at life as i can fech a treid and tested home bred dog without forking 9oo for a pure with mayb not the same ability, not into breeding pure breeds but im lucky, i can get a saluki pure of coursing champs but need to pay import fees etc and in the long run no better than what i keep , but glad you got them off to decent homes half the battle , not a breed man ,more if it runs and catches fetches not to fussed if pure or not, and all round work with a jukel , imagine living were the game is on [bANNED TEXT] doorstep but sometimes dodgy, wouldnt want to pay near enough a g for a hare roe dog when you have treid and tested home bred dogs or mates dogs who are good to , some people like your self like a breed me i like a dog in any shape bred [bANNED TEXT] that does the biz , saw hundreds of saluks no better than crosses mate cheer for the informaition


if you go on my profile whin , you will find i like good coursing dogs in general , not just pures

and i have some top young prospects for next season too and they are saluki crosses/hybrids , not pures or kc reg

i also have a very well bred pure bitch and was a very good coursing bitch in her day , i bred her with top coursing pure saluki blood to keep the line going , and give people the opportunity to own a 100% proven coursing pure saluki pup..and ive achieved this with great pleasure

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Whin.......................... name one TOP saluki person you know. :hmm:


Jumping on and commenting on a strain of salukis you know absolutley NOTHING about.......................bred by a man who knows 100% what hes doing.

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were do you want to start mate , as i have been going to the states for a decade coursing with saluk club of new mexico and go every year and if poss go too the grand hunt , now after ten years or even two seasons you get to see what saluks are the bees knees and whats to showy , why would i give names for what, but miles if youre ever up this way mate i can show you bags loads of photos dvd s of coursing saluks with me and freinds ,saw some saluks beating top class lurcher types on a hunt but not many , now realy after ten years ive saw enough to know who keeps very good dogs and been to severa lhunts , so it would not be rocket sceince to get a good qaulity pup from people who the chase means more than the rossete , had dinner with them had laughs with them spent whole weekends coursing ,we had one coursing day new mexico was in afive year drought we had to find 12 hares it took us 7 hours the first day and 7 the next roughly 25 miles in a dry warm windy prairie only the saluks and blooded dogs survived mate , i no my dogs bud or wouldnt comment ,not realy intrested in the saluks over here even tho i have a freind who keeps pures and been invited out any time with them ,good lad and loyal to his cause mate , if i saw one like i have in the states i would be more intrested as ive saw hundreds over there , all the best

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Guest Catcher
  shaddow said:
pure saluki pups , by my own bitch annie , she was a decent bitch in her day was thought well enough to be entered in the forley cup in 2002

she was only 15 months old at the time , so she was a well worked and decent bitch in her day

the sire is Khan Jihad , probably the UKs best bred coursing saluki

the pups will be KC reg, will be ready from 10th of January 2009

there are 6 females and 2 males , 3 dark red/brownfemales 3 cream females , 1 dark red/brown male 1 cream dog

Ben , khans owner has pick of litter of the dogs so depends on his choice of color at which dog will be available


females are £900 males £800


pm me any sensible questions and no silly remarks please












With all due respect mate are you nuts I dont find i nead a dog with webed feet :bye:

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  Catcher said:
  shaddow said:
pure saluki pups , by my own bitch annie , she was a decent bitch in her day was thought well enough to be entered in the forley cup in 2002

she was only 15 months old at the time , so she was a well worked and decent bitch in her day

the sire is Khan Jihad , probably the UKs best bred coursing saluki

the pups will be KC reg, will be ready from 10th of January 2009

there are 6 females and 2 males , 3 dark red/brownfemales 3 cream females , 1 dark red/brown male 1 cream dog

Ben , khans owner has pick of litter of the dogs so depends on his choice of color at which dog will be available


females are £900 males £800


pm me any sensible questions and no silly remarks please












With all due respect mate are you nuts I dont find i nead a dog with webed feet :bye:


???????/ are u on drugs???? these are pups not frogs you muppet

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  Catcher said:
  shaddow said:
pure saluki pups , by my own bitch annie , she was a decent bitch in her day was thought well enough to be entered in the forley cup in 2002

she was only 15 months old at the time , so she was a well worked and decent bitch in her day

the sire is Khan Jihad , probably the UKs best bred coursing saluki

the pups will be KC reg, will be ready from 10th of January 2009

there are 6 females and 2 males , 3 dark red/brownfemales 3 cream females , 1 dark red/brown male 1 cream dog

Ben , khans owner has pick of litter of the dogs so depends on his choice of color at which dog will be available


females are £900 males £800


pm me any sensible questions and no silly remarks please












With all due respect mate are you nuts I dont find i nead a dog with webed feet :bye:

why do people feel the need to write stupid remarks .:realmad:

i have two of these pups and there worth every penny there little belters so catcher keep your :censored: pathetic little comment to your self.

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