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Pure Saluki pups

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lovely looking pups mate. shame about all these hill billys that think its there choice how much you sell them for. once again he is selling them not asking how much he should sell them for just cause

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  chris 78 said:
cant belive you still got a bitch left mate,thought it would have gone as there all little crackers :good:.if i had enough spare cash i'd be coming back home with two bitches instead of one. :yes:.


suppose its wrong time of year for some people that would like to have one , but she will go to a good home eventually

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{quote}hi saw my sons father inlaw bid 10 k for the lucky dog [bANNED TEXT] it won the forley cup ,a few years ago , but why sell a good dog , [bANNED TEXT] u can win double that in bets ,with the right lads , iv been on a match n seen a few travelling boys take 4 to 6 grand in a day , the good old days bring em back lol {quote}




Edited by DIGZY
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  DIGZY said:
{quote}hi saw my sons father inlaw bid 10 k for the lucky dog [bANNED TEXT] it won the forley cup ,a few years ago , but why sell a good dog , [bANNED TEXT] u can win double that in bets ,with the right lads , iv been on a match n seen a few travelling boys take 4 to 6 grand in a day , the good old days bring em back lol {quote}






if you read the thread properly , you will see that these are just baby pups mate , not full grown match dogs....

so thats why they are for sale , because they are pups ...not many people be able to run 8 dogs on is there LOL :clapper:

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lovely looking pups mate. shame about all these hill billys that think its there choice how much you sell them for. once again he is selling them not asking how much he should sell them for just cause you all have shit that isnt even worth 50 no need to get pissed when some one has nice pups for sale. i say well bred good looking pups worth ever penny :clapper:

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cheers mate

i dont think a lot of folk realise ,i paid a fair few quid for Annie it costs money to raise pups , also stud fees , paperwork etc and a hell of a lot of time and effort...so im not exactly on a massive profit....i bred mainly for myself as i didnt have access to a really well bred saluki , where both parents were proven hare killers...so i had to take the long way round and breed a litter

ive bred 2 litters of coursing pups before , a litter of 6 and a litter of 7 , i gave everyone awayfor free , apart from a bitch i sold when she was 5 months old which was my pick opf the litter as i kept 2 pups back , i still have the dog from the first litter hes 13 months old comin on nicely aswell i must say

and a kept a bitch from the 2nd litter

so its not like im in this for the money.....just for the dogs , i love coursing and i love salukis

its a shame bad minds put some people off buying themselves a nice home bred , well reared puppy off well proven parents

there have been some litters recently that werent off well proven stock , fair enough well bred but not proven in the field

but these little babies are :D

Edited by shaddow
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  shaddow said:
cheers mate

i dont think a lot of folk realise ,i paid a fair few quid for Annie it costs money to raise pups , also stud fees , paperwork etc and a hell of a lot of time and effort...so im not exactly on a massive profit....i bred mainly for myself as i didnt have access to a really well bred saluki , where both parents were proven hare killers...so i had to take the long way round and breed a litter

ive bred 2 litters of coursing pups before , a litter of 6 and a litter of 7 , i gave everyone awayfor free , apart from a bitch i sold when she was 5 months old which was my pick opf the litter as i kept 2 pups back , i still have the dog from the first litter hes 13 months old comin on nicely aswell i must say

and a kept a bitch from the 2nd litter

so its not like im in this for the money.....just for the dogs , i love coursing and i love salukis

its a shame bad minds put some people off buying themselves a nice home bred , well reared puppy off well proven parents

there have been some litters recently that werent off well proven stock , fair enough well bred but not proven in the field

but these little babies are :D

also shaddow a lot off ppl on here said if they ad the spare bit off cash ,they would off come up and brought one off you,they are cracking looking pups in top codition,

Edited by martini
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