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There are a many recipes for hare as there are hares. Find some that takes your fancy.


Hang for anything from 4 days to 14. Do you paunch them or not? Retain the blood or not?


Personally I paunch them and then hang for about 4 days. Heart, liver and lights go into the BARF mix. The blood is not retained.


If the hare is young then it is a candidate for roasting. If not then do you want to make Jugged Hare or use the saddle and make pate with the rest.

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I have been knocking recipes into the PC all week. Since nobody else is stepping up here goes.


Red Currant Jelly should be kept close at hand. A spoonful on the plate when serving.


Forcemeat for stuffing roast hare

2oz Suet

2or bacon

4oz breadcrumbs

2 tsp chopped parsley

¼ tsp mixed herbs

grated rind of ½ lemon

Beaten egg


Chop the suet and bacon small and mix with breadcrumbs. Add herbs, parsley and lemon rind. Mix well. Add as much beaten egg as necessary to bind the mix



Marinade No 1 (young hares)

2 TBLSP Olive oil

3 cloves garlic (crushed)

6 shallots (sliced)

Couple sprigs of Thyme

Couple sprigs of Parsley

2 Bat leaves

8 black peppercorns

Glass red wine

Mix the above together. Place the hare joints in a casserole and pour over the mix.. Cover and stick in the fridge overnight.


Marinade No 2 (more matures ones)

3 TBLSP Olive oil

2 small onions (sliced)

2 small carrots (sliced)

1 TBLSP vinegar

450ml red wine

I sprig Thyme

1 sprig Rosemary

2 Bay leaves

6 black peppercorns


Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onions and carrots until softened. Stir in remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Simmer for 7 mins then allow to cool. Put the saddle or rear legs into a bowl and pour over the marinade. Leave the hare in the marinade for anything from 12 hours to 36 hours, turning them occasionally.


Don't worry recipes to follow.

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You are going to have to live with a Scottish recipe.


Scottish saddle of hare.

Make a stock of the following.

1/2lb shin of beef

The hare’s liver

2pints water

Into a pan and bring to the boil. Then add

1 small turnip, 1 med carrot, centre couple of stalks of celery with leaves. Fine slice the lot. Then .add an onion studded with 3 cloves.8 black peppercorns and a Bouquet garni.

Bring back to the boil and then simmer for 3 hours. Strain Remove the beef, cloves, bouquet garni and peppercorns and push the rest through a fine sieve. Add salt to taste.

Place the saddle of hare, well trimmed, into a pan and brown all over using butter. Place the hare into a casserole and cover with half of the stock. Cover tightly and cook at 150C for 1½ hours, basting occasionally. Remove the hare. Mix what is left of the stock into the juices in the casserole. Thicken with a little Arrowroot. Hare, mashed neeps, boiled tatties , some gravy and a spoonful of Red Current Jelly.



Saddle of hare a la Crème

Saddle of hare

Enough English mustard to cover both sides

25g butter

150ml stock

150ml single cream

Trim the saddle of hare and place in marinade No2 for 36 hours. Turn occasionally.

Remove the hate from the marinade and coat both sides in mustard. Put the butter in a pan and brown the hares all over, Add the strained marinade and bring to a boil. Simmer until reduced by 1/3rd. Add in the stock and bring back to a boil. Transfer to a casserole cover tightly and oven cook at 180C for 1½ hours or until tender Remove the hare from the casserole, add the cream to the casserole and heat through. Strain the sauce and serve with the hare.

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Only young hare for this lot.


Simple roast hare

Use a young hare stuff it with the forcemeat if liked.. Truss and place in a roasting tin. Cover with streaky bacon.and brush with veg oil tray. Add plenty of dripping to the tin and roast in oven 180C for 11/2 to 2 hours dependant on size. Baste frequently with the fat in the tin. After 30 mins place a loose sheet of foil over the hare. Needs athick gravy with a dash of port.



The ultimate roast hare

1 young hare hung for at least 4 days (retain the liver)

Lots of thin cut streaky bacon

¾ pint good stock

1 TSP chopped shallot

Pinch dried thyme

Lots of butter

1 glass port wine

Plain flour

1 small onion (chopped)

TSP chopped Parsley


Milk for basting

Stuff the hare if liked and truss. Melt the butter and brush all over the hare. Place in a roasting tin and cover with the bacon. Add two cops of milk to the tin. Season. Roast in oven 180C for 11/2 to 2 hours. Needs 2 hours if stuffed.. Basting frequently, you can add a couple of knobs of butter to the milk.


Having made sure you have removed the gall from the liver, gently boil in water fro 5 mins. Drain and chop finely. Melt 125g butter in a saucepan , add the chopped liver, parsley, shallots, onion and thyme. Season Fry gently for 10 mins. Put in blender and give it a couple of pulses.

Using the pan add some butter and a good tablespoon of plain and stir gently until it takes a bit of colour. Then add some of the stock or the milk from the roast tin, stirring continuously until the sauce starts to bubble. Return the liver mix from the blender.and stir well, add some more stock or milk ansd simmer for a further 10minutes. Stirring occasionally. Take of the heat and add the port wine. Set aside.


Back to the hare. Say half hour before the hare is done remove the bacon and baste it. Dredge over with plain flour and baste again and frequently until nicely browned. Remove from the heat, removed the string and rest for five minutes.if stuffed. Serve with the liver sauce and Red C Jelly..

Edited by Jim Grant
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i dont read recipes but catch lots of hares so here we go catch the hare gut in clean it hang it for two days ,skin it then jiont it , back legs waist and take the back fillets of, feed the front end to the dog as he deserves it, put in pan with two beef stock cubes potatoes carrotts and leek some garlic and crushed pepper , a spooful of redcurrant jelli , and a small glass of wine red .add some water , cook 0n 180 or gas mark 4, for an hour and a half put your doughballs in and cook for an other half hour then you have a good stew with not the need of two much ingreidents , plus you can thicken it if you want with bisto corn flour easy to make , and you only use the one pan i deal if your busy and want a good feed before you go out last you two good meals for two

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