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hi lads/lasses

might be a daft quetion but i honestly dont know are squirrel active after day light hours ie any one lamped them just got some new permission on a golf course where they are over run with them problem is i dont feel comfortable walking around the course through the day carrying the gun when it is busy with golfers even though i have the permision letter in my pocket just incase any one asks but i would much rather go after dark would i be wasting my time any help would be great thanks guys :icon_redface:

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  celticwar said:
mate i have no idea ive looked while out at night but not seen any . in the trees ..

could they not shut one hole at a time each week let you work ???? that way you would not get golfers strolling into ya shot ...

could ask them celtic but i dought it members would be up in arms i will just have to work around them i suppose but thanks any way hows your bull barrel doing ?still enjoying it?i sent mine down to john bowkett he blue printed it and put a large bolt action on for me now i can palm it rather than use my fingers firing quieter,and getting more shots to the charge money well spent

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Where I shoot I don't tend to start seeing them until about 40 mins - 1hour after daylight atm.

Don't know about evenings (times are restricted on this site due to public access), but I'd say you'd be wasting your time.

Edited by spike
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Guest air gunner

What time do golfers start playing? surely you could get there before the club room opens to the public and pop of a few before the crowds? otherwise find out the on peak days or times and of peak days or times and try to work around them. good luck.

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  air gunner said:
What time do golfers start playing? surely you could get there before the club room opens to the public and pop of a few before the crowds? otherwise find out the on peak days or times and of peak days or times and try to work around them. good luck.

thank you for all the replys fellas its noted cheers

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Your best best is 4/5 am in the summer but even them ive got dog walkers and folk going to there work starting to appear on the golf course then golfer's start appearing about 6 am ,

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