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Hardest hares....

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welsh mountain hares are the hardest .not scottish, not english, welsh ,they breath fire when you piss em off,and they have wings

Guest Hare Hunter
well reading through this thread rabiteer you must be some boy(as duckwing stated)but my good friend the fen master is at this process getting validated and cant wait to meet you and your so called super dog and have a match with you for a thousand pound,and he will be running a 7 month old pup thats killing 1s and 2s on the fens around peterbrough,and the match will be camcorded for the results to be put up on this site,so no snide remarks just get it on with him and good luck


Who is the fen master? Which site is he waiting to get validated on because on here when you register you get put straight on, dont you?

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well reading through this thread rabiteer you must be some boy(as duckwing stated)but my good friend the fen master is at this process getting validated and cant wait to meet you and your so called super dog and have a match with you for a thousand pound,and he will be running a 7 month old pup thats killing 1s and 2s on the fens around peterbrough,and the match will be camcorded for the results to be put up on this site,so no snide remarks just get it on with him and good luck


Is your school closed today because of the cold weather? :laugh:

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Stick to catching one for the pot,it's your choice,hunting with dogs is and always has been my life..FULL TIME and they either earn their keep or i just wouldn't own a lurcher,you keep on with your 9-5 job,5 days a week and i'll stick with my 12-5 :ninja: as and when i please..i really ENJOY my job how about you? Sport..whats that all about?... :clapper: ...get out into the real world :feck: ..i'll take as many of "the greatest animals" as you like to call them by any which way i can along with a few other kinds if it puts a few quid on the table :whistling:

ASD you suprise me more and more, Mr Brick must be rubbing of on you with the tales of your 12-5 exploits I am surprised you give that lad the time of day. :blink:you more than anyone should know about keeping yourself to your self ,just an observation mucker

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Seen a few posts on here sucking up to the fen guys as if the fens was the be all end all of Lurcherdom.... Which is your fav fen man and dog springs to mind! :friends: I'll be honest here, I've seen the videos and get this... it don't do it for me. Yes it has wide open space and it's a wildlife camera mans dream because of this but it is so anti hare giving an unfair advantage towards the dog.


The nearest cover for the dog is MILES away! :icon_eek: The Hare gets up, the dog looks at it :snack: as it ambles away knowing fine well a 100 yards is F all and so does the hare. If ANY dog can't get onto a hare with a hundred yard start in the fens then I'd be amazed and I don't just mean lurchers. I'd like to see a full bred Alsation on one just to see what happens. So what I am basically saying is that the one only real quality a good fen dog needs is Stamina! Hence all the Saluki crosses that have sprung up over the last decade.


Now, I reckon places like Perth are far harder and are more demanding on a dog. You need a canny dog with good wits about it to catch a hare here. It needs to be fast off the mark and also have good stamina. A decent size field might only be 50 acres and get this, there are fences :tongue4: to negotiate. Do fen hares actually know what a gate is? :duh:


What you reckon?


Mountain Hares

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this is turning into another my dogs better than your dog topic :cry: what is with mach men and ill match you for a grand i havent got a grand & if i did i could not give a sh*t if your dogs can catch more than mine on the fens grow up use your dog for sport not for profit this thread makes lurcher men sound like some kind gready sc*m who only care about money. not there dogs wellfair :no:

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to me a pure saluki is like a silent beagle.

but when put into a decent lurcher both sides benifet.

as for the fen hares they would not be there if they where

not the strongest .on big open flat land like that.

some fen dogs suffer over in ire with the gates

and hedges here but as mucky and others says the best of

best will do well anywhere.

the truth is to me that if a dog is silpped on a fen hare

that dog has not got either alot of deerhound or saluki

in it is will at some stage bust its insides or hearth trying to stay

on when its well beat.or pull up.

with smaller fields the hare can be out off sight through a hedge

when the dog gets tired and run is over.no harm done.

the best hares are the ones that get away

by the looks of things on here its not that simple.

seen some really good posts on this one both sides


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i keep coursing dogs and i lamp em and they can do the 30 pluses on a regular basis on the lamp if they couldnt they wouldnt be with me long let me have my ten pence worth here theres always this myth with a lot of people who have never done any coursing that a hare dog cannot do the rabbit game .what a load of bollox if it can kill a hare what chance has a poxy rabbit got compared to a hare people slate the fens when the majority of these people have never been to the fens or if they have its never been in the middle of the winter or comments are made like they wont kill em round our way the truth of the matter is your running hares on cabbage patches no dog is going to kill em a dog no matter what way its bred to kill hares consistantly its got to have room unless your running em on the lamp . to all you doubters who say fen hares are no good i will say this go there in the winter and take your rabbit dogs and run a couple in january or lets say run four run em on some rolled dirt onto a piece of rolled wheat and see what happens i can tell you what will happen the dog if it doesnt have saluki blood will down tools no ifs buts or maybes its fact thats why you will never see a bull cross or a whippet x greyhound or a bedlington cross win the forley if it doesnt possess saluki blood it doesnt do the job i have coursed hares all over the country and i have always found fen hares weather they are lincoln fens peterborough fen or cambridge the strongest they are faster out of the seats and can stay better than most and comments like its so open theres no escape for the hare i say theres no hiding place for the dog either once hes out in the open .an old boy i used to course with years ago always had a saying to the rabbit boys in january i will give you fifty pound for every hare your dog kills and you give me 25 for every one it misses he never lost his bet when anyone took him up on it you can find numerous lamping dogs doing thirtys when the rabbits are on the ground but find a dog that do three out of three when the hares are on the ground in the daytime the majority that slate hare dogs or term em as fen dogs wouldnt have a dog to blow wind up a daytime hare. you can all scream back your stupid replys but i aint interested in answering you anymore in fact im quite pissed of with this internet shite but what i will say is wait until after xmas get your rabbit dogs fit and get yourselves up to the big land and give em a spin :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


Short and sweet!


Well said....... :D


Six Mile Bottom have some very strong Hares, good top dog was needed there.



Three guys have just been done for poaching /coursing on 6 mile bottom ,they were caught in August!

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to me a pure saluki is like a silent beagle.

but when put into a decent lurcher both sides benifet.

as for the fen hares they would not be there if they where

not the strongest .on big open flat land like that.

some fen dogs suffer over in ire with the gates

and hedges here but as mucky and others says the best of

best will do well anywhere.

the truth is to me that if a dog is silpped on a fen hare

that dog has not got either alot of deerhound or saluki

in it is will at some stage bust its insides or hearth trying to stay

on when its well beat.or pull up.

with smaller fields the hare can be out off sight through a hedge

when the dog gets tired and run is over.no harm done.

the best hares are the ones that get away

by the looks of things on here its not that simple.

seen some really good posts on this one both sides


as i said good dogs should kill hare anywhere, at the same time of course they have to have agood bit of saluki in them,mine have and they will kill hares. any where i go

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