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Snaring beaver under the ice

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Thought you may like to see how we snare beaver under the ice!

Top two pictures show a couple snare sets for beaver. These are channel sets under ice. The pic of the two snares on the same side was used in a narrow channel Pole was set next to one bank. While the snare was close to the opposite bank. And I did catch a beaver in this same snare.

The other with a snare to each side was a wider channel snares touched each bank with the pole set in the middle of the channel. If the water was deeper you’d use more snares on the pole’ One above the other. Bottom picture shows two beaver caught on the same pole. They are just being pulled up through the hole.

We also use bait on the poles normally set just under the ice. Beaver can get†trap shy†after seeing a few of their own kind in a foot hold trap, and wont go near a set. By adding a few snare sets that are totally different you can catch that educated beaver.





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Just wondering if you Americans enjoy eating beaver as much as us British do.

your not a man unless you’ve eaten both varieties!--bear with us woolbr8stl :rolleyes:


How do you know how wide each channel is Hornhunter??

You chop a hole clean out the ice chunks and look. If the water is dark you feel for each bank with your chisel or use a pole. Usually near the house the channel will be narrow

If it’s too wide then we block one or both sides with dead sticks and brush. Or we just use a baited set.

A used channel will have the gravel rubbed clean in the center. here's where you set your snare.

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Eating beaver (real beaver) is actually a bit of a problem if it's in the far north where it's a sometimes food delicacy (up there on a par with Crisco and Berries, aka "Eskimo Ice Cream"). The reason: botulism in pickled beaver tail. The botulism is caused by beaver tail packed away in plastic tupper ware containers. More than a few folks have died of pickled beaver tail. See >> http://iier.isciii.es/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5032a2.htm for the Center for Disease Control report. So when in Alaska, don't eat the yellow snow from where the Huskies go, and if you eat beaver tail, make sure it's fresh and not pickled. :stink: A word to the wise is sufficient.



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I guess it's a US thing. "Switching teams" is referring to turning to the "gay" side. I'm a happily married woman, I was just making fun of the comment earlier.


Sometimes things don't come out the same, you are right, probably lost in translation. :)



Oops my fault i assumed you were a man!! :icon_eek::icon_redface: :whistle: :D

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Well, I don't plan on switching teams any time soon, so, the answer is a no ~~~~~ I like the team I'm on :)



No offence meant woob8stl,being a bit of a sexist took it for granted you were a bloke.




Eating yellow snow and pickled beaver :icon_eek: ,thats just a little bit out of my depth :)


Are Bevers much of a pest or are you just snaring them for the fur.

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