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tikka t3 2506 vs hare


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been mucking around with my new cam and thought i'd check the zero on the rifle :angel:


Good shot ! what range did you take that at? I do appreciate good fieldcraft but there is no doubt about it, that is great marksmanship and a lovely looking bit of land you have to shoot over. Well done.





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how can anyone call that sport i'd sooner see a dog behind atleast then the hare has some chance :hmm:



that was a head shot at 200+ yards by the looks at it..it takes some skill to hit them..i shoot and i run dogs..what talent does a lamper have with a lurcher??? walk into a field with a lamp and watch the bloody dog do all the work!!! then have the dog retreve to hand..its funny how fieldsports are so fragmented :angry::angry::angry:

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Its not a waste of a hare.


Nice shot,


But is it just me or does anyone else think its a bit unsafe shooting across what looks like horses in the paddock?


There sounds like a bad cross wind.


The horse on the right- you are missing it by about 10 yards :(


If they are horse's it is a rather unsafe shot.

Edited by lewismac1
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Guest JohnGalway



Horses don't usually go "mmmmmoooooo". Never found cattle to be bothered by daytime shooting. Horses are a different story, bothered both by lights and shooting. As for the wind, impossible to tell from a video, even light wind will screw up the sound on a cheap micorphone :yes:

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:blink: for the record book, this is new zealand, coursing hares is not done alot here, why bother when gun ownership is so easy ;) three hares can eat as much as a sheep so they get the bullet when the farmers needs them thinned out a bit.


the shot was perfectly safe lewismac, it is a 2506 not a lite .22 cal and the cattle are used to it ;)

i'll get the range next time with a range finder as i counted 300 paces when i inspected the carnage, i shot a bunny at half the distance which had very little damage til i kicked it over and the bits fell out....goo shot av if ya wanna see it :blink:

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:blink: for the record book, this is new zealand, coursing hares is not done alot here, why bother when gun ownership is so easy ;) three hares can eat as much as a sheep so they get the bullet when the farmers needs them thinned out a bit.


the shot was perfectly safe lewismac, it is a 2506 not a lite .22 cal and the cattle are used to it ;)

i'll get the range next time with a range finder as i counted 300 paces when i inspected the carnage, i shot a bunny at half the distance which had very little damage til i kicked it over and the bits fell out....goo shot av if ya wanna see it :blink:

thats not sport,why dont you just put a target up?

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