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Guest blackntan

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It always amuses me the hate for the police on these boards.....


Perhaps they did use too much force, but that is a point of debate, the lad was obviously strong and fit....he's a soldier!

So more force could be used and justified than someone who wasn't as fit and strong and wasn't fighting back! And trying to restrain someone prone on the floor who is thrashing about can cause injuries, if they scraped his head rather than trying to hold it still then they were wrong but CCTV is deceptive and unless you were trying to hold his head we will never know how much he was throwing it around himself?


What has impressed me is the response from some on this thread!


If the lad had minded his manners apologised and walked off this would never have happened, but then as others have said perhaps he is stressed or suffering post traumatic stress disorder and needs help with his anger/fears?



None of us know, none of us were there, none of us were trying to handcuff him......these issues are always hard to decide who was worse, who resisted, or who was heavy handed?

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Compo,I told a tale on here about a friend of mine before,wont repeat it,but apologising?Walking away?Sometimes people arent given the option,I wasnt,I know others who werent,its not hate,its just dislike,coppers are a necessary evil,as for the lad being "Stressed" sometimes coppers are as well :yes:

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Compo,I told a tale on here about a friend of mine before,wont repeat it,but apologising?Walking away?Sometimes people arent given the option,I wasnt,I know others who werent,its not hate,its just dislike,coppers are a necessary evil,as for the lad being "Stressed" sometimes coppers are as well :yes:



Thats a valid point we dont know what was going through all parties minds at the time!


In the clip that i saw on the news, the lad was stood away from the police, and obviously said or threatened something that prompted them to act, he should have turned and walked whilst there was still distance between them all.....I presume he had been warned and was arrested for a public order offence or such?



As i said i aren't defending anyone or making any assumptions.....just saying somethings like use of force can be interpreted differently by impartial people after the fact, the decisions and force they used they must have felt they could justify, i am sure they were well aware of the CCTV as they would use local CCTV in their day to day job , i dont think they were looking around for cctv, they may have been trying to look for a police van or other people around them......as has been said someone could Knife them whilst they were concentrating on the lad....He may have been out with mates?


a few valid points have been made on this thread and impartiality and seeing things from other perspectives (someone said walk a mile in their shoes?) which is why one judge found the lad guilty and the appeal judge viewed it differently.....



A very valid point i thought was the lack of respect for the authorities, police,teachers etc......that affects everyone and without respect shown its hard to get respect back......perhaps all sides need to learn this! But its got tos tart somewhere!

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Compo,police are PUBLIC SERVANTS right?When was the last time you went into a tax-office and the public-servant dealing with you told you to f**k-off?Respect where its due?Remember the investigative reporter a few years back who infiltrated the force as a new recruit?Eye-opening ;)

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To only have to look at the crap programs that seem to be on all the time about the old bill to see how they are so patronising to people,talking to them like they know best.Half the time they just want to feed there own ego's infront of the camera's and make themselves look important,i once got off from an assult charge as i told the bench i would have chinned him proper if i had assaulted him not the bulls**t elbow in the ribs he said i had done.I ended up in jail for a bunch of trumped up charges from a few p*gs who nicked me to save face and gave me a kicking in the cells.Compo heard you are a copper so as we all know you will stick together but putting your knee into the back of someones head whilst they are pinned to the floor save injuries to who,you lot sat on top?.Funny how in every other occupation human error comes into play,even in the medical world,stress,tierdness,mistakes are made and exposed where as in the police world no copper has ever been done for murder in the cells or attempted murder,threats to kill when loosing it when making over the top arrests,are they not human and make human mistakes?,seems not,must be robots eh?.

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bully boys nothing more , i hope they lose their jobs over it , they should be out catching rapists and kiddy fiddlers.

my mate had two of the scum burst thru his front door and knocked his young kid over , my mate smashed both of them to a pulp in the hall way , the kid was terrified of these scum and had nightmares for a long time and it got thrown out of court :) they are bullies nothing more but now they have tasers expect your lamping nights to get intresting :(


big brave policemen in a group , cowards one on one , dont like the odds do they lol

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I wouldnt say i like the police but i respect them, i have never been in trouble because i was bought up well and taught right from wrong and taught to respect others. Some people just like to be top dog and cant accept that the police have authority whether you like it or not.

If it were a paramedic or a fireman that did it because they were being verbally abused whilst trying to do a very important job then would everyone be so quick to judge? I think not. and if it were a rapist or a granny basher then would everyone be saying they shouldnt have give him a bit of a going over? its just this underlying hatred for police that bubbles up when the media gets its claws into a 'juicy' story like this.

If that were my son i would be ashamed of his behaviour and if my son were one of the policemen i would be really worried that he had felt the need to use such force, a sign of the times i think.

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i worked for almost 12 years as a doorman and i can tell you now,if 3 of us had used that much "reasonable" force to restrain one individual we WOULD have lost our badges.no questions. the same should happen to the police that were involved in this. reasonable force is neccesery sometimes and if it was genuinely "reasonable" then i don't think people would be making such a fuss. no matter what insults the or threats the lad hurled at the police,he should not have been assaulted. end of.

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Interesting thread this, haven't look at the video and don't intend to. What makes it interesting to me though is that this is just the type of thread that invites certain members on here to jump in and blatantly get personal :laugh: and try to rubbish the thread :laugh: what the feck is all that about?


Stuff is here for debate and surely not for shite to be thrown at other members? :)

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bully boys nothing more , i hope they lose their jobs over it , they should be out catching rapists and kiddy fiddlers.

my mate had two of the scum burst thru his front door and knocked his young kid over , my mate smashed both of them to a pulp in the hall way , the kid was terrified of these scum and had nightmares for a long time and it got thrown out of court :) they are bullies nothing more but now they have tasers expect your lamping nights to get intresting :(


big brave policemen in a group , cowards one on one , dont like the odds do they lol


your friend beat 2 policemen up infront of his child :blink:

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yes labs my mate did and i would try my best to do the same , they forced entry thru the front door and sent the kid flying . what would you do ? dont know about you but anyone hurts my kid scum police or not all get treated the same


bullies nothing more , funny thing is one of them tried claiming for a new set of raybans that got nutted off his face lol


i have had them come in my shop and arrest ALL the staff (myself included) because they found stolen goods , they wouldnt do that at any other high street store so why mine ? hasten to add the arresting officer got sent to the met lol


imagine if they got guns !!!!

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At the end of the day if the cops want respect,then they should give respect.

They are corrupt and have a power trip.As for the ones who do there job properly and are good cops why dont you report these bad cops.Nah you couldnt do that could you!You would be looked on as scum by your fellow officers.


The police force is a sham and in my eyes is getting worse.They gave them tasers i would give them a water pistol.

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bully boys nothing more , i hope they lose their jobs over it , they should be out catching rapists and kiddy fiddlers.

my mate had two of the scum burst thru his front door and knocked his young kid over , my mate smashed both of them to a pulp in the hall way , the kid was terrified of these scum and had nightmares for a long time and it got thrown out of court :) they are bullies nothing more but now they have tasers expect your lamping nights to get intresting :(


big brave policemen in a group , cowards one on one , dont like the odds do they lol


your friend beat 2 policemen up infront of his child :blink:

And so would i have done if they kicked there way into my home knocking my kid over,but afterwards i would have set the dogs on them as well.Pushed one once back outside my back door as he was trying to walk in the house with muddy boots on after spinning my back garden,would have done it to any fecker for being rude in my home.Told them straight they can search but don't mean they can ruin my carpets and get your muddy boots off.Have to say they agreed with me and he had to stay outside lol.There is a need for the old bill but they are not above the law themselves and when they do cross the line they need the public to see they have been delt with fairly.

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