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Bit of advice (webley longbow)

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Hi all, newbi here.


have just bought my first air rifle, had it about a week now. its a second hand webley longbow,unsure of age. bought from a local shop.


anyhow tonight i decided to go out the back to try some new pellets out, while cocking the rifle, the barrel slipped out of my hand, looked down and the stock is near enough split in half :blink::o


I guess this shouldnt happen?! will not have a chance to talk to the guy i bought it off untill monday, even then im not sure i'll have a leg to stand on.


anyone offer me some advice on what to do, where i stand?





Edited by stewy1984
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I wont.


but will take it back see what he says and get him to check it over, the silencer also fell to bits lol. if its ok, i should be able to fix the stock (screws and gaffa tape) haha.


been offerd a theoben rapid mk11 from a guy at work for £450

everything but a charging bottle.

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Hello mate,


Listen easy mistake to make, I had that happen once to me with a very powerful .22 springer, it jumped out of my hands and the barrel stuck in my ceiling covering me in plaster and crap,lol, it scared the sh..t out of me, fortunately it never split my stock but it did do the barrel, but with a bit of persistent battering with a wood mallet I some how got it back to true,, and it hasn't affected to accuracy at all, how lucky was that, but Ive got to agree with the other post, put it down to experience, if your barrels OK Ive got a real easy fix for your stock its nearly invisible and totally safe, PM me if you need any help. all the best,


Rob. :icon_redface:

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if it has a silencer tell him ya tryed to cock it and the silencer sliped of the end barrel hit you lol lay it on mate

tell him you have not tampered with it take a older person with you that will say he see it happen get ya story same ...

all the best good luck

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