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not to cause an argument....but... why.. when some one puts a picture of a dog up most people say " big strong dog" or " looks like it has loads of stamina" ? looks are the most deceiving especially on a lurcher of mixed brteeds....... looks do not kill bags

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the dogs you see on here are bonny lookin animals...but ..imo... you cant see a dogs qualities threw its apearence.some dogs look great but aint worth a wank..... other dogs look shite but can kill all day long.... so why? no matter what the dog does every one say " looks strong"

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the dogs you see on here are bonny lookin animals...but ..imo... you cant see a dogs qualities threw its apearence.some dogs look great but aint worth a wank..... other dogs look shite but can kill all day long.... so why? no matter what the dog does every one say " looks strong"

maby because they dont know weather its a strong dog cos they can only see it but it looks strong ...hence looks strong :laugh:

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not to cause an argument....but... why.. when some one puts a picture of a dog up most people say " big strong dog" or " looks like it has loads of stamina" ? looks are the most deceiving especially on a lurcher of mixed brteeds....... looks do not kill bags


?????..........Its called a bit of encouragement (spel?) fella, you know, stick together, encourage, promote what we do!!




wat your sayin is true but it is good to have a nice lookin dog or strong dog and in good wrap thats y


Very true young paddy :good:

All the best


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maby because they dont know weather its a strong dog cos they can only see it but it looks strong ...hence looks strong :laugh:

very true..but a greyhound looks strong...yet 60 seconds later its burnt out

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Guest dannycos

How do u judge a lurcher show? Not always best dog but people form an opinion at a glance. Maybe better to say summat nice than nowt at all but i think your cock on baz

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How do u judge a lurcher show? Not always best dog but people form an opinion at a glance. Maybe better to say summat nice than nowt at all but i think your cock on baz

yeah thats were im comin from...... people judge a show on looks... but most of the dogs there never see a rabbit,


i bet there is a lot of people on here that own good killing lurchers, that aint that bonny....yet they see pictures put up and think there dogs aint in the same league purely on looks

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yeah thats were im comin from...... people judge a show on looks... but most of the dogs there never see a rabbit,


i bet there is a lot of people on here that own good killing lurchers, that aint that bonny....yet they see pictures put up and think there dogs aint in the same league purely on looks


Of course your right.........looks have nothing to do with anything, but if somebody says:have a look at my dog:, then I think say something nice or keep schtum.

And at the end of the day if a few nice comments put a smile on a blokes face and keeps him taking his dog out to work, then it really dont matter what the dog catches as long as the blokes enjoying what he dose.

Each new person that gets into hunting or keeps hunting is one in the eye to Blair, so lets keep encouraging no matter what the dog can or cant do :good:

All the best


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yeah thats were im comin from...... people judge a show on looks... but most of the dogs there never see a rabbit,


i bet there is a lot of people on here that own good killing lurchers, that aint that bonny....yet they see pictures put up and think there dogs aint in the same league purely on looks


Of course your right.........looks have nothing to do with anything, but if somebody says:have a look at my dog:, then I think say something nice or keep schtum.

And at the end of the day if a few nice comments put a smile on a blokes face and keeps him taking his dog out to work, then it really dont matter what the dog catches as long as the blokes enjoying what he dose.

Each new person that gets into hunting or keeps hunting is one in the eye to Blair, so lets keep encouraging no matter what the dog can or cant do :good:

All the best


wel said [bANNED TEXT] :good: we need all the people we can get to fight the ***. :

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not to cause an argument....but... why.. when some one puts a picture of a dog up most people say " big strong dog" or " looks like it has loads of stamina" ? looks are the most deceiving especially on a lurcher of mixed brteeds....... looks do not kill bags


Hi Baz I would say something like that just to be nice to the owner,but I wouldn't say it looks like its got loads of stamina cos you can't see stamina,its inside :ph34r: .You can however see if someones got a big strong dog its simply strongly built,but if there's anyone on here who can look at a dog and say feck me that'll kill shitloads can they go buy my next dog for me :D:D

yis chris

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Interesting thread this !!!

Its always nice to see a nice put together animal and many lurchers are cracking looking but like you say 'Handsome is as Handsome does', and many of the best lurchers wouldn't win a show !!!

When i usually go to a show (i dont show my lurchers) i always like to watch the judge and see what he's looking at in a dog !!! I can remember been at a show in March last year and listening to a bloke tell me how his two Saluki crooses were the 'Muts Nuts' and had been running hard all season !!! After feeling the dogs back i knew someone was telling some 'Porkies' !!!! Now fair enough in the summer all working dogs put a little 'Beef' on, but March !!! they should still be in decent enough shape !!!

Heres one for you lurchers fans !!!

It's always been said (a few books have mentioned this as well) that if a dog has space between it's shoulder blades then it will have a fair amount of stamina !!! Now i have a greyhound bitch and i can just about get four fingers between her shoulder blades and as everone knows the words 'Stamina' and 'Greyhound' don't usually go in the same sentence !!! Yet most saluki crosses don't have a big gaps between there shoulder blades and they are true stayers !!!

Anyone else have views on this ??????


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Guest Nightwalker
not to cause an argument....but... why.. when some one puts a picture of a dog up most people say " big strong dog" or " looks like it has loads of stamina" ? looks are the most deceiving especially on a lurcher of mixed breeds....... looks do not kill bags



I agree totally that 'handsome is as handsome does' but it's always nice if 'handsome' is also a stunning looker. I have had ugly dogs that worked well and ugly dogs that didnt as well! No-one likes a knocker, so I guess that most of us keep quiet when people post pictures of ugly looking dogs including those with obvious faults. We also all have our own requirements, for instance, I wouldn't have a dog with a lot of white on it under any circumstances, no matter how good it was - simply because it would almost certainly land me in trouble, I also dont like dogs with big ugly bull type heads, - to my eyes they are fine on a bull dog but not on a long dog

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