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Guest blue_boy

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Guest oldskool

my first lurcher was a whippet/greyhound... 23tts and was too hard for her own good because her coat was just too fine for that sort of thing and i think most whippets coats are??


i'd give my arm to have her back again tho and in my opinion when a whippet means business on a fox then chances are the fox will be lucky to get a second turn...

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i had 26 pounder that took a few , always had them pinned by the throat by the time i got there, only time he a badly bit was when another dog prevented him getting his usual hold. as Robert says most whippets outweight a fox by at least 10 pounds so it should be no surprise they take the odd one, that said whippets are no different other running dogs types, some will, some won't.

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  blue_boy said:
Doe's any body own a whippet that retrieves foxes ;):D and how game are these little fellas?


no mate think they woud have trouble retrivin a charlie but they wikll kill it no messing espesially laguna s sooty sam most of which are around 20 inch tts

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Guest blue_boy
  tcannon367 said:
my wippet got done by a dog fox so i would not advise u to set a wippet on 1 stick it to smaller things ive got a bull x now much more intresting.


forgot about this post some very interesting points and some nice whippets oh and milliken thats a funny looking cub

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hey bud, give me like 2 secondsto swich forums. and ill post afew pics of little whippets going and killing a fox or 2. p.s plzz dont take them down mod's it's allll 100% australian and we have no thorts of a hunting ban here. :victory:

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i have a 22 inch little whippet here now who has taken fox single handed and i had a lot of stick for it on here so i dont post pics any more shes been a wonderfull bitch and only cost me 30 quid the best buy i dvds had shes a all rounder hand for everything and hates foxes she used to kill them quick to

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  blackpack said:
i have a 22 inch little whippet here now who has taken fox single handed and i had a lot of stick for it on here so i dont post pics any more shes been a wonderfull bitch and only cost me 30 quid the best buy i dvds had shes a all rounder hand for everything and hates foxes she used to kill them quick to
put up a pic of her mate, how s she bred?
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Guest Countryboyo
  mikeyboy said:
its not the dog in the fight its the fight in the dog. if its got the heart it should do it


Isnt that just something small men say to make them feel better about themselves? :victory: Just kidding man I dont know much about whippets on fox but I could imagine that some would take a lot of stick. I have seen a fox ruin a greyhound to the point that she wouldnt follow properly at the track again but maybe some whippets could take more stick than a greyhound. Id love to own a whippet they are just class.

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  Countryboyo said:
  mikeyboy said:
its not the dog in the fight its the fight in the dog. if its got the heart it should do it


Isnt that just something small men say to make them feel better about themselves? :victory: Just kidding man I dont know much about whippets on fox but I could imagine that some would take a lot of stick. I have seen a fox ruin a greyhound to the point that she wouldnt follow properly at the track again but maybe some whippets could take more stick than a greyhound. Id love to own a whippet they are just class.


i was told that saying by a man whose has been into lurchers for 30 years. he has had big dogs small dogs and just because a dog is a good size and powerfull if it aint got the heart it wont do the job. he had an old dog called blue its was only 20" had a lot of whippet in it and he still swears its the best fox dog he ever had.


atb mike

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  gazza01 said:
iv had pure bred whippets for years and they will pull a fox its madness to let them attempt to kill one

they ha vent the size or strength race type whippets now that's a different thing altogether much stronger :drink:



Racing bred whippets are usually smaller and more lightly built than working bred ones. I know which I would rather match up with a fox.

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