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open your eyes

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great things even have to start somewhere, no matter how small..........

the longest journey starts with the frst step............kinda thing :blink:

your very close with your answer !


ive kept you waiting longernoth so i will put in my version.




we as hunters whether your into running dogs , ferreting , flying hawks , shooters and even fishing or anything at all to do with hunting (old and new are all drops of rain and if we all stick together we are that mighty river !

but for some strange reason we all bicker amounst are selfs , when realy we should support each other through thick and thin. ive read realy good posts go to waste with people bickering over nothing . we all have learnt are hunting trades in different ways and have different ways to do are hunting and we all belive are ways are best , but others do it there way and if its not are way then they bicker when realy we should listen to there ways and maybe we could learn a better way or they could learn from us . RESPECT EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF THE FIGHTING BETWEEN US .

if a man types in a post a month back about a certain subject and then a month later he types in another about the same subject but contradicts him self . should he be slagged to the ground about it ? has he not the right to change his mind about what he said ? maybe he had listened to a different view and thought is old way was the wrong way and change his mind !

if all hunters had stuck together and i mean all (even fisher men) would the powers that rule us have been able to ban hunting with dogs ?


all im trying to get through and maybe open some eyes is that it isnt just about hunting . What im on about is for all walks of life , if people stuck together then the powers that rule use couldnt push us about and invent other taxes and keep us down . we as the working class are the econemy and with out us there is no money for the country! so why do we just lay down ? it hurts me to say this but the only time i see any 1 unite in this country is through football .

times have got to change and some 1 has to open eyes to make the change .



That is very true jackard, I never thought of it that way.


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It's just human nature......you will never change that........


But if the majority think like this then i don't see why things could'nt change.......

i must admit that most of the people on here are great but there is always a few in life not content untill they stir things up........

debate is healthy it makes people think..... but arguing leads nowhere and nothing is gained from it.....

I AM A PUDDLE.................... :clapper:

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