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What Wales used to be like

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before Poland invaded us, :toast:, a pic of a print of an original that has my Auntie Blod in it, JRT stood in front of , this is exactly how it used to be, her leaning in the door way chatting, nylon overall, fag in hand.

She'd have shown a few on here the way to go (me included before there's any snide remarks) with a terrier, ferrets and even fished the river Towy (what licence would that be? :big_boss: ) Smoked Woodbines all her life, did me a favour by letting me try one :sick: and the best memory is staying over at her gaff, watching the stars through the roof/attic/bedroom ceiling :laugh: .

Her home had no running water, just a communal tap and the communal loos are the sheds on the left in the pic :drink:


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Lot of hard Women like that about,well there used to be.


My Gt. Grandmother had a reputation of being a very hard woman who hated kids with a passion :yes:


She used to stop Kids playing outside on her wall by putting tiny shards of broken glass there, now thats a mean old woman for ya!


Used to keep Chickens in the garden, every fortnight she'd grab one, and without let nor hindrance, off wee his head :laugh:


As you say, how it used to be.


SS :thumbs:

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Reminds of where my nan lived , she worked hard all her life, little money came into the house & she hand washed & looked after 2 bed ridden parents & 3 kids , kept house & sorted me grandad out


Dont know were born in this day & age

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  mad al said:
thanks for the replies folks, I'll ask my Bro about Towy Valley Game Farm and the fish (when I track the fecker down!!!) :thumbs:


Talking about my Bro, Sporting Shooter do you know Dickie Jones? :thumbs:

Al, for the life of me I cant think where I know that name from :blink: I do know it from somewhere just cant think why or where.

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  SportingShooter said:
  mad al said:
thanks for the replies folks, I'll ask my Bro about Towy Valley Game Farm and the fish (when I track the fecker down!!!) :thumbs:


Talking about my Bro, Sporting Shooter do you know Dickie Jones? :thumbs:

Al, for the life of me I cant think where I know that name from :blink: I do know it from somewhere just cant think why or where.



He's been about a bit and done a fair bit here http://www.rytexgundogs.com/gallery.htm, there's a few pix of him and his dogs in the gallery :thumbs:

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  SportingShooter said:
  claybusers al said:
are the towy does it still run with sea trout i worked for towy valley game farm dont know if thats still there

Do you remember the chaps name who ran it?

the guy who owned it was Roland Walker it was near coffi bridge hotel i think it was a long time back he had a son called phillip who was a terrier lad he was shooting tennant at broad oak on the Llandielo road i was YTS keeper for him many years back now

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  SportingShooter said:
Now I know where I know the name from :D


Comes to something when you know of and watched most of the Dogs and their parents work, that are in that gallery :blink:


Is he still trialling Al?



Na, breeds a bit, had a nice litter of cockers earlier this year. He still does some beating and fishing, I haven't heard from him lately but he'll be on the dog and bone this side of Xmas to try and get down his gaff for a few jars I'm sure.

I have to say though, I take my hat off to the fecker, seems to have a way with most stuff he tackles, had a few world records when he was fishing, loads of luck with his mutts over the years, traveled all over, even made some film/documentary on fishing abroad somewhere with Bernard Cribbins of all people :laugh:

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  mad al said:
  SportingShooter said:
Now I know where I know the name from :D


Comes to something when you know of and watched most of the Dogs and their parents work, that are in that gallery :blink:


Is he still trialling Al?



Na, breeds a bit, had a nice litter of cockers earlier this year. He still does some beating and fishing, I haven't heard from him lately but he'll be on the dog and bone this side of Xmas to try and get down his gaff for a few jars I'm sure.

I have to say though, I take my hat off to the fecker, seems to have a way with most stuff he tackles, had a few world records when he was fishing, loads of luck with his mutts over the years, traveled all over, even made some film/documentary on fishing abroad somewhere with Bernard Cribbins of all people :laugh:

dont think its luck mate, i believe that whatever you do in life if you put 100% into your chosen sport be it dogs shootin fishin ect you give yourself a real chance of bein succesful but i also believe some people are born with a special talent football, snooker ect i believe this is also the case with dogs, and maybe your brother has that talent.

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