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Back in the saddle

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After a couple of weeks lay of it was time to dust of the fleece and wellies and get back to a bit of work for the dog. Ideal conditions weather wise apart from the driving rain. Seen a few charlie but none would take the bait call wise. Managed to get between this nice vixen and it's intended escape route. Sent the dog on and she pushed it straight to the gun. Couple of close calls afterwards but combination of bad luck and the wind not being kind to us made sure there were a few more for another night. Had a good course on one of those mobile venison burghers but me dog just couldn't get to grips with it and it eventually made it's escape which was a shame but it was an enjoyable experience nevertheless. Need a couple of weeks to get the dog up to full fitness and then maybe I'll have better luck.


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back in the saddle i was looking for your horse and gun mate , ach at least you got good sport i did last nite but the burger van got nailed ahah and so did rabbs and hare to day ,


Listen mate the amount of ground I covered last night I could have been doing with a bloody horse :D:D the sport was good but she's been incredibly unlucky on a few occasions now with runs on the big guys it should only be a matter of time before she hits one. The dog's been laid up for awhile recovering from an injury and will need a few weeks on the bunnies to get her back in the groove. Sounds like youv'e been having a bit of fun yourself. :thumbs:

Edited by undisputed
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good going undi ... was the old dog involved with the fox same old one that pulled 4 few months back?... has the pup started to chase rabbits yet? ;)


Awrite bud long time no hear lol...Aye it's the same dog mate she's been doing not to bad on the ol charlie's as of late still got a ways to go but she's handling the stick dished out and still coming back for more. If she stays clear of serious injuries she's got the makings of a reasonable dog. Pup's still a lump of wood mate.....LMAO got some big rabbiting days/nights planned for him over the next few weeks. I've been out of action for a couple of weeks with feckin flu bug and just starting to get on my feet again so will put more effort into him. See youv'e been causing mischief on that other thread...lol :D:D

Edited by undisputed
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Glad she's up and running again. And you too, by the sounds of it!! :clapper:
it would have been nice for a phone call mate :(

nice two see she back in action mate nice fox



you never have that bloody phone of yours on :D besides it was after 10.30 you'd have been in yer bed....we'll get out once the weather picks up again :thumbs: :thumbs: :yes:

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