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Which are you....

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  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners

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  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners

that comment shows you know fuuuck all about dogs and there work

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  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners




what an eejit if only things worked like that..... :crazy: :wankerzo4:

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  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners

your telling me if yourear 10 terriers for earth work that everyone of them will make the grade ,well either you have low standards or you could make thousands rearing pups :wallbash:

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  scent said:
  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners

your telling me if yourear 10 terriers for earth work that everyone of them will make the grade ,well either you have low standards or you could make thousands rearing pups :wallbash:

10 terriers?? i dont own a terrier, if you spend enough time training a dog any dog will turn out grate, you get back wat you put in if you willing to spend the time, no point in running a dog at 12 month then firing it to some 1 else just cause it didnt catch,

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  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners

your telling me if yourear 10 terriers for earth work that everyone of them will make the grade ,well either you have low standards or you could make thousands rearing pups :wallbash:

10 terriers?? i dont own a terrier, if you spend enough time training a dog any dog will turn out grate, you get back wat you put in if you willing to spend the time, no point in running a dog at 12 month then firing it to some 1 else just cause it didnt catch,

even with lurchers when you rear them to be fox dogs not all of them will make single handed fox dogs thats just in my opinion karl

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  scent said:
  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners

your telling me if yourear 10 terriers for earth work that everyone of them will make the grade ,well either you have low standards or you could make thousands rearing pups :wallbash:

10 terriers?? i dont own a terrier, if you spend enough time training a dog any dog will turn out grate, you get back wat you put in if you willing to spend the time, no point in running a dog at 12 month then firing it to some 1 else just cause it didnt catch,

even with lurchers when you rear them to be fox dogs not all of them will make single handed fox dogs thats just in my opinion karl

i agree not all will take foxes single handed but do you then go ahead and shoot this dog or sell it just cause it cant do a fox on its own ? maybe with time and after running with another dog that dog will start to take them. cheers

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  nbk said:
  karl_20 said:
  scent said:
if you rear a pup that wont work then why keep him why feed shit ,im talking about working dogs here and if a dog wont work then its taking up kennell space that can be filled by a dog that will work

if you rear a pup that wont work than you wanna blame yourself, theres no bad dogs only bad owners




what an eejit if only things worked like that..... :crazy: :wankerzo4:

whats the idea behind that mate? someone is willing to put in the time and effort and they get called an eejit and a wanker? may just be me but hunting is a hobby not a job just something i like doing,

Edited by karl_20
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when i get a dog its with me for its life iv never sold or passed a dog on or a ferret for that matter, a guy i learnt a lot from told me a good dog man will work round the bad points of a dog time and patience pay off as ive seen in a a few dogs but some people havent got the patience, some cant be bothered and want a world beater at 12 months old, and some just dont know how, i aint an expert far from it im only 21 and i dont claim to know it all before anyone starts but taking advice and listening to people i would class as REAL DOG MEN growing up and going out with them iv learned a lot from and anyone that doesnt say they are still learning at any point of their life knows nothing as the saying gos " the man who knows it all knows fuckall" but there will always be bad points in a dog and good points take the good with the bad and get on with it, i hate seeing dogs getting shifted left right and centre and on this site theres a lot of dogs for sale all the time.

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  WILF said:
  chartpolski said:
  WILF said:
If a dog is not up to scratch then its PTS time I am afraid..........It not fair on the dog because you will quickly fall out of love with it, Its not fair on the owner because its soul destroying and it puts an end to the chance of more shite being bred.


That said, I have rehomed a dog before...........but I made sure it was the right home and the dog went free of charge.


I wouldnt do it again.


Wilf, this is not a critique', but how many dogs have you went through, until you have got the dog that is "up to scratch" ? Is a dog that may not be the "ideal"; not good enough to be given a permenant home ?? I am a person who has spent a lifetime looking for the "DOG", but am sensible enough to realise it ain't gonna happen !!!



Its a sensable post........to be honest, I have not gone through many (1 or 2).........but I belive that there are certain things you want your dog to do, there is one main criteria........it may do lots of other stuff well, or to a standard but it may not be able to fulfill the main criteria.......so what ever else it can do becomes meaningless.


Some dogs you just know its gonna be a wrongun from the start.........I had one that I knew was wrong from the start, but I had spoken for it so I kept my word.........I tryed, I really did but I hope that I have enough sense to know when I am flogging a totally dead horse........these are the type not to breed from, and belive me, some fecker will given the chance.


My philosphy has changed, I used to think like many who have replyed to this thread.......untill I REALLY thought about it, I have had a rescue dog.........seen the these poor bloody creatures and I wouldnt inflict that on any animal or give someone else the chance to do it.

I also want to hunt, so I must have a dog that is capable of hunting to a fair standard.......you wouldnt own a gun that didnt fire.

Hope that is some sort of awnser.


By the way, just to be clear........I am not slagging anyone who dont share my opinion, the title of the thread was "Which are you"........so I replyed.


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  undisputed said:
Here's my view for what it's worth. Some folk like to stick to one quarry and have dog's for that purpose and nothing more which is a shame cause there's so much more to hunting than charlie or bigger game. A dog that's versatile and can turn it's hand to any aspect of hunting deserves respect and should be treated accordingly. Limiting yourself to one type of quarry reduces the enjoyment imo and very few dog's are given time to mature properly before being thrown in at the deep end and it's sink or swim and the sinkers get moved on or labelled with the jibed tag. It's a shame we cant apply the same logic to owners that jibb that we do to the dog. I think there's more owners not fit for purpose than there are dogs. :thumbdown:

Most sensible answer to this thread so far and sounds like a true dogman, and i doubt your pics show you in full shell-suit tucked in socks and trainers!!!! tho i cud be wrong

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