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ahhhhhh rushed shots!!

Guest air gunner

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Guest air gunner

i havent shot anything for a while and today i had the chance for a squirrel it was only 15yds away i leant on the trampoline wobling all over the place and took the shot quickly because the little critter was going to run away. bang!! it just went of over the tree and was off!!!! bugger! then i noticed a rabbit run and i havent seen one here for weeks!! and to top it all of i had a head shot on a pigeon bang and i missed my gun was zeroed yesterday and i was hitting 2p size targets from 30yds! i blame it on rushing my shots how do you lot stop being hasty and get the shot rather than firing quickly and missing?? seriously annoying as i havent seen much here for a while. also i have got three pots of pellets all different, wasps flat heads and bisleys. what pellets do you find work best in a bsa supersport?? i know they are all different but i need to find a favoured pellet and only buy this.

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Guest air gunner

il try but i just snap at the chance. i dont always for example rabbits are fine because they just sit there eating but squirrels start running rrandomly and pigeons take flight quick too. next time though ill relax and shoot when happy.

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i havent shot anything for a while and today i had the chance for a squirrel it was only 15yds away i leant on the trampoline wobling all over the place and took the shot quickly because the little critter was going to run away. bang!! it just went of over the tree and was off!!!! bugger! then i noticed a rabbit run and i havent seen one here for weeks!! and to top it all of i had a head shot on a pigeon bang and i missed my gun was zeroed yesterday and i was hitting 2p size targets from 30yds! i blame it on rushing my shots how do you lot stop being hasty and get the shot rather than firing quickly and missing?? seriously annoying as i havent seen much here for a while. also i have got three pots of pellets all different, wasps flat heads and bisleys. what pellets do you find work best in a bsa supersport?? i know they are all different but i need to find a favoured pellet and only buy this.



It's all about self control...but the more shooting you do the easier it gets, there is always another day!!!


Pellet wise, they will all fly differently, only you can find the one that suits your gun/your application/your need, best!


You will find domed pellets give you the best accuracy!!

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practice practice practice! they sell rabbits at petshops pretty cheap ;) jokin aside, lots of targets, different ranges, partialy hidden behind stuff, and different heights etc etc etc, and see how many you can pop off in say a minute. get used to bringin the gun up, finding the sight picture/crosshair and fireing as quick as poss, accuratly! hope it helps!



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with the squirrels its best to let em run rather than miss if you let em run they will be back just as soon as you lower your sites if you miss then they take time to gather theyre thoughts but will still come back they are as thick as pig **** and i personally find squirrels tough quarry to shoot easy to kill but to drop em dead isnt always easy.


i think as mention targets at different distances is a good idea plus it will help you steady yourself i know when adrenalin pumps its sometimes hard to take your time but rushing will do you no favours but most importantly when you start dropping them consistently the sence of satisfaction makes the practice worth while

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you might already be doing this but slow your breathing down when you take a shot breath in and shoot then breath out works for me ive had 5 from my last outing all standing shots and you could chuck nuts on the floor where you see them if you catch them eating you will have more time to hit them.

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Guest air gunner

[bANNED TEXT] then tommorow i will go out again and see whats out i think another reason this squirrel ran is because my gun is F-ing noisy!! when target practicing i slow my breaths but yea adrenaline kicks in and well bugger that. next time though i will slow it all down. my standing shots are ok but in that i mean i can hit 3" things from 25Yrds so not good at all really. as for the pellets i will go for domed ones but still which ones. the wasps work fine but then do the bisley superdomes both pretty accurate.

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[bANNED TEXT] then i will set up small targets i have been using paper with 2p size dots which is better to use film canisters? should the range be about 10m,15m,20m,25m and 30m?


all them distances and practice practice practice until ur confident with all the ranges and youll be alright its best once u have done the distances just chuck some targets on the ground scatter them about without markings then shoot em again see how you do on that sometimes a target is either 5/10/15/20/25 so on yards but others they are 7/12/17/22 yards it all helps find your ranges

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Guest air gunner

ye me and friend did a sort of comp today. with random things and varied shots like lieing down kneeling and standing the only thing is we used a pot of pellets that are not very accurate because i wanted to use them but im sure that wont effect me they still hit the things. if anyone wants a new fun way of doing it make it a competition. the only thing is standing shots we are quite wobbly we can hit stuff from 15yrd but 30 and we miss anyone got a pic of how they stand?

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