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pup decided to shred his cast today so i took him to vet,he said that as he had been in it for 5 1/2 weeks he would leave it off as he was only going to have it for 6.when i look closer he is walking on his stop padwith his joint bent the wrong way,vet says that as his leg gets stronger and his joints loosen back up he will go back to normal but i told him he aint getting another penny till it does,help and advice needed here is my pup deformed for life?he is 14 weeks beddie whippet .will get a couple off pics up later.

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should be fine mate its a pup which is a good thing as its bones havernt fromd yet so will hopefuuly put there selfs [bANNED TEXT] give it time,uncles saluki smashed it front leg few years ago 1 vet told him it will never work again and it was a top dog,so took it to a very good greyhound vet made a excellent job and dog made 100% recovery just takes time mate good luck

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My Saluki bred pup broke a toe at 12 weeks old: was in a cast for 10 days then I realised that he was in a lot of pain: I took it off and his whole leg was horribly twisted: like he was trying to walk on the inside of this wrist! Took him to a good Greyhound vet who said not to worry.

Light exercise for the next couple of months: by the time he was 6 months old the leg was perfectly straight and you'd never know he'd done anything to it. It did take at least a couple of months to straighten though: wish I'd taken some before and after pics: it looked dreadful and you'd never have thought it would straighten out.

Just be patient and give him gentle exercise: not easy with a pup, and in fact after a couple of weeks on the lead with a high bred Saluki type going mental I said 'sod it' to myself and let him do what he wanted. He's 100% fine now and the leg is just like the other one.

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