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New guide to snaring in Scotland launched

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glenn ill give you some more info on that new snare in a couple of days after i can move around a bit better and can breath with out so much pain looking at it the idea is so simple your a clever fella with the best snaring traping brain i know :clapper: you should be the one to write the theseis on snare practices for defra and basc at least then we will know the truth comes from some one who actually uses wires daily ;)

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glenn ill give you some more info on that new snare in a couple of days after i can move around a bit better and can breath with out so much pain looking at it the idea is so simple your a clever fella with the best snaring traping brain i know :clapper: you should be the one to write the theseis on snare practices for defra and basc at least then we will know the truth comes from some one who actually uses wires daily ;)


You take things easy Woodga, there's nowt worse than dodgy ribs, they take ages to sort. Thanks for the stuff you sent me recently, you are a gentleman. :signthankspin:

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Snareman, Woodga, Peg&Gun, Duckwing, Moley, and anyone else proficient with wires . . .


Please let me see your comments and reaction to this



i am an SGA member, and really could not believe what i was reading in the scottish gamekeeper magazine, when it arrived last saturday morning, about setting fox snares at 5 inches high, and the usual 100 year old drivel of setting rabbit snares with 4 inch nooses set 3 fingers high, i phoned BASC, and they said it was best practice , thought up by the usual organisations, and to phone BASC scotland , and spoke to the man the office , i explained the situation, and asked what clowns came up with all this nonsense, after an hour,s conversation, isent breakaway fox snares and rabbit snare samples , plus all the simple attachments plus spring handled earth anchors, none of which he had ever seen before, i wonder why, because the basc headquarter,s in wales have had lots of my sample snares away back since the early 90,s, all the main field sports organisations in UK have samples of my breakaway fox and rabbit snares, yet not one of them has ever put forward an article in any of the field sports magazines about them , except steve caple , who wrote about the breakaway rabbit snares, and also in the NPTA, magazine, yet we see snippets here and there in various papers about this college and that one , all trying to come up with new breakaway systems, i have been working with breakaways for the last 14 years . before all the so called experts thought about it , in my opinion , the all in one breakaway fox snare eye that i devised ,which i have put up on H. LIFE, for anyone to copy and freely make , will never rust, has no sharp edges or corners, and is animal friendly, and has been tried and tested on many occasiosns and found to work pretty well, plus the non breakaway non rusting fox snare eye , that just needs to be cut of the old snare and keep reusing them for your lifetime , and never ever need to buy a fox snare eye again, they are both made for one penny, i believe that if any of the large fieldsports organisations had come up with all the breakaway snare systems that i have come up with , they would have been splashed from cover to cover over every field sports magazine in the country , but seeing that it was me a common joe bloggs , a nobody, that has come up with all the .advanced snaring techniqes, and quick two second securing devices , thats taken all the hard work out of modern fox snaring , they don,t want to know, but there is more bad news coming for all the so called experts , because the new fox snare that i have just completed with a humane extra added to it will be on its way to the scottish office , and defra office in bristol, next week , we on the hunting life are committed to try and erradicate all this small noose and set low mentalitry , that has gripped our country for the last century , leading the way forward for best humane setting and snaring practices , as we have the real top notch snaremen with the most advanced snaring and trapping brains in the uk. on this site, the only people who are a danger to us , are the intelligent idiots who come up with all the nonsense that we are opposed to , it is them who will get snaring banned themselves not the men in the field, because every non target species will get caught due to the nonsense about setting snares low to the ground , i know most of these experts , and not one of them has ever snared a thousand rabbits in a week , or snared over a hundred foxes in a winter alone. but these are the boys who know everything . at least the truth is not suppressed on the hunting life. buy the christmas special the sporting shooter out on thursday past. there is an article about rabbit snaring in it .


This new snare sounds intrigueing, if is like the rest of your stuff it'll be the business. :clapper::clapper:

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duckwing :clapper::clapper::clapper:
in my opinion, whats needed is a new organisation developed and run by real trappers and snarers who know the game , not the desk jockeys , and theory boys , something like the, UK TRAPPERS ASSOCIATION, all the other organisations started somewhere , now they have the financial backing and the voice , with a good we regular magazine, called the TRAPPER, with real experiences from the guys in the field, not the usual run of the mill bulsh#tters , thats written nothing but pure crap , about snaring and trapping for years , at least what we write will be the truth , from years of practical experience , not figments of imagination thats usually dreamed up and written by the usual experts.
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duckwing :clapper::clapper::clapper:
in my opinion, whats needed is a new organisation developed and run by real trappers and snarers who know the game , not the desk jockeys , and theory boys , something like the, UK TRAPPERS ASSOCIATION, all the other organisations started somewhere , now they have the financial backing and the voice , with a good we regular magazine, called the TRAPPER, with real experiences from the guys in the field, not the usual run of the mill bulsh#tters , thats written nothing but pure crap , about snaring and trapping for years , at least what we write will be the truth , from years of practical experience , not figments of imagination thats usually dreamed up and written by the usual experts.


I think that would be an excellent idea Snareman, I would subscribe.

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