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can whippets only be worked on easy ground

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  whin said:
well i need to get a packof them i can see were your comeing from but there not dog enough for me , infact bring one of the big ones you call whipps up to the border and see how they perform always looking for better dogs in fact alwayswill , i rate a dog whats in the bag and what it can do , stay sound take weather , have balls stamina if [bANNED TEXT] whipps do that fech why do we breed lurchers mate for centuries , well why has nonbody upped the size but kept them pure some how, cause the minute you put size on them thye soon get probs but more versatile for roe hare odd fox , small dogs cant see sometimes over grass etc i would say a small dog is at a disadvatage on some land full stopp , i think whipps would tiol mate amping game hundred yrds away but maybe not , ll need to see some of these whippets you have saw plenty others they were fine but not better than purpose bred dogs , and if a dog realy tries thtas when they get hurt some times do yours realy try hard whippets are fun little dogs but not any way got crosses here saluks and old style colie crosses not a foot injurie and they have been on qaurries hunting hard horrible flint stubbles that are punishing runs every were , if a whipp can do that well ill be dammnd , to me a whippet is one part of a good alround working dog , i hunted the scottish borders big days and nites snow shitty weather rabbit control, i dont think these dogs would stand 4 days a weeek of thta and still lamp an odd nite , come on mate be seroius there fun dogs witha good turn of pace but no purpose bred dog

I like whippets, they are great little dogs, and a great the turn of speed and gut's.

A lot of what has been said above though rings true to what i have experienced, i work twice a week, all day, in the dales during the season. I've seen collie greys we have bred from 3 generations of collie greys not make the grade, and carried off dogs with broken legs, smashed up feet, with the wobbles.

We have had whippets as well, and witnessed one drop dead due to the workload on it's heart up there.

The old guy's bred the crosses for a reason, just like there fathers did, and just like i will do. The dogs work on that ground, and are still there at the end of a big day.

Like i've said before, I'm a daytime rabbit man. In different areas, i have no doubt the whippets will have the edge, like other types on other quarry.

But the thread was titled towards working whippets on easy ground.

Whippets can be worked on all ground, and do well. Maybee other dogs will see the task out for longer.

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very true and why limit youre self to a small dog when you can have a meduim dog who can do more i cant see the piont unless your like the breed i dont like any breed more than others but i no what works, as most guys i have met when they see my dogs run think well there handy or good and end up with simliar for simliar ground , after a few decdes you learn to get the best and try and breed the best for your sport, im lucky game and vermin are about enough to test dogs to see what thye have got ,not one or two day a week man for a few hours and a racing track or show ring is no place to test a working animal , i was on stony ground last nite not ideal for any dog but my clever saluk cross and old feched 8 past colli cross took 8 rabbs flushed a hare and a big buck with in an hour and wanted more but i had to leave, then they came out the kennel fine this morning ,

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One thing a whippet wont do is rattle down the inside of a hedge after a bolting rabbit, like a collie cross or rough lurcher..Thats rough work, and I dont think a whippet will do this, they like to be on the outside of the hedge..... ;) Thats one reason they would not suit me......

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  reload said:
Thanks for your reply, I guess the only way is to work one as you would a lurcher for a season or two, and see how it faired......I have not seen many pics of whippets retrieving also? do they struggle with a 4lb kicking rabbit? ;)


Why would a whippet struggle.. :clapper::clapper: I think you've seen some Italian Greyhounds.....


Back on thread, no issues with rough ground. A whippet can crash over ground that would cripple a track Greyhound, its a simple matter of physics...Bigger heavier dogs will hit objects at a higher energy force due to extra weight. If they are heavy boned then this will balance out, but may slow the dog down.


What you have to ask yourselves is where were they bred to be used????? Its not rocket science. :blink:

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i have a whipet gre and will not fire into cover on rabbs maybe daylite hares and flushhing roe but not rabbs in heavy cover she lets my old collie cross do it ,but if i was to leash her let other dogs work she would get wound up and probaly have a go but she has seen hundreds of game so no,s my old bitch would fire in, just the way it is i wouldsay the small feiry ones would hit cover but mines is 23 and not pure whippet im afraid but still as good as most at catching in the open , butn she knows her limitaition only with hard work tho

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  reload said:
One thing a whippet wont do is rattle down the inside of a hedge after a bolting rabbit, like a collie cross or rough lurcher..Thats rough work, and I dont think a whippet will do this, they like to be on the outside of the hedge..... ;) Thats one reason they would not suit me......


You have little experience of good working whippets, thats clear. Do not be misled by the frail frame. My whippet used to hate even walking through mud, until he caught his first rabbit. He now hits hedges at full stride, and actually catches most of his bunnies in the hedge, as they slow for the burrow.


He will even work a hedge from inside like a terrier and has been known to walk chest deep in a freezing cold brook when trying to find his quarry...

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thta sounds more like the whippets ive saw into everything but not saw that type in years , youll get bad ones and as they are popular people shall breed shite to make a buck , like any dog with a price on its tag, still prefer my purpose bred colli crosses , asked a knowledgble man today about whipps a past whipp keeper he says no good to you i say thtas what i thought and were no good to him when he was [bANNED TEXT] active even tho they all had whipp in them but mostly unregistred stock

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