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can crows be tamed

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not that i want one.

but can crows be tamed????


just been woundering.


Cheers teesdale-rabbiter

yes my daughter picked one up, that had fallen from the nest, in woodland near us, at first I did not want anything to do with it.. she was about 11 year old at the time, I had a stable in the yard, and of course a lurcher dog, horse, dog, and a young crow, in the same area, seperated, were I kept the shavings, for bedding, and bales of hay, I started feeding it on raw finely minced beef and a wee bit of grated cheese, in his food, when he started to fly, I fully expected, him to fly away and jion his mates no, he made him self at home, and he become, a family pet, well intelegent, these fellows are smart, at no times did we restrict his freedom, he was free to come and go as he pleased, when the wife was hanging out the washing he would play a game with her, as she put the clothes pegs in he was busy pulling them out, and he would perch on top of tall building, and when I used to whistle on the dog, he would come flying down like a rocket. then sadly about this time of year, some travellers, pinched my dog, and sadly a cat nailed him all there was feathers and his wings, that was like a death of a family member, thats a true story,
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Yep, Heard of them all being tamed.


Also heard and old "Keepers" tale that if you nipped off the end of a young Magpie's tongue, then you could teach it to speak :blink:


Some strange things these old Keepers did, but then again, they did set man traps too :blink:


SS :thumbs:



ive heard that aswell mate,

slice a crow or magpie's tounge and you can teach them talk ?


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not that i want one.

but can crows be tamed????


just been woundering.


Cheers teesdale-rabbiter


100% as people have said in previouse posts! we used to take Jackdaws and Magpies when we was kids just before the branching stage. I had a few jackdaws one of which would talk saying "Jack" and "Come On"! this bird would follow me to school. I would let him out first thing in the morning but used to have to climb over my mums front fence because if the bird heard the gate he would be straight over the house and on my shoulder, and you guessed it his name was "Jack" :laugh:...


Also had a carrion crow called "Charlie" which I was forced to let go by my old man due to his attacks on the two young girls 3 doors up, I remember taking him on my Cowhorn pushbike to a old ruin near by and letting him go on the blind side while I biked away crying my eyes out :(



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they sound like quite fun considered there classed as vermin lol


my mates grandad said in the 60's there was a really bad winter and everything froze,


he was walking through a field and he was picking up crows and pigeons frozen ?

he swears he wasnt lying but.....

dont know lol ?

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i had one as a kid called him charlie he was never caged used to follow us every where dive bomb people pinch things and bring em home he got into the papers with his antics eventually an author by the name of eric delderfield wrote a book entitled true animal stories and featured him in it he was a characther that crow

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yeah the old sayin was place a silver sixpence under his tongue and slit it........ i had jackdaws as a kid and a magpie in me early teens we called him magnus magnersun ..lol.. he was a right character used to sit on the garden table and sip me dads whiskey out of the glass.. me cousin found him he fell out of his nest.. i fed him on worms and minced-meat and kept him in a cardboard box then a bird cage then one day let him out.. had him all one summer he would ride on the top of the back seat in our jeep takin me sister to school or up the shop's.. some days he would be gone all day but come home to roost in his cage.. sometimes he would come back with bits of paint on him from the industrial estate up the road, one day he never came back one of the blokes from the ind estate said he flew into a car-transporter and broke his neck..NEVER DID BELIEVE HIM PROBERLY KILLED HIM.. il get the pics of him drinkin out of me dads glass and post em on ere one day............................

Edited by yoggerman
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Guest w.m.avian

they are the easyest to tame down aslong as you get it befor it branches but the best pet i had was a grey squirrl i payed two smack heads 2.50 for a baby they found at the fair and took it home im telling you this was more human then vermin it new the time i was home from school and was waiting on the garage came in the hose followed me in the shop entering in the letter box it was great umteen times i tryed letting it go but it always found its way home


as a kid i had


squirrle jays maggies

crows rooks fox badger starling and i did have a raven that had damaged its wing that bird was amazing the power of its beak ext i flew it to the fist to get it flying again then relesed it and it spent 6 months around the house till mid summer another raven was flying over calling and off went the one i had and never returned

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when i was about 10, i found a little baby jackdaw, only tiny and fallen out of nest. So i got a rabbit hutch and kept it in and fed it chunks of cat food till it was old enough. then it ate without help. let it go and always used to come back to me. but it must have been shot or something because once it never came back lol

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