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just got a fac for a 17hmr just a quick question? what bullits to use for general all round vermin thanks



when you get your rifle you need to get as many box's of diferent amo as you can and see what your rifle groups the best

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Buy as many brands as your Gunny stocks and try them all.


See which one gives you the tightest group and go from there.


I use Ballistic Tipped rounds in the HMR which is the majority of the selection available, and they are lethal. Head shooting is the order of the day fro Rabbits, and anything else, body shots, they aint coming back!


Go and have fun punching paper :yes:


SS :thumbs:

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On the whole you will find 17g groups better than 20g but you need to decide your use/quarry/distances and what your gun likes!!


Mine performs best for me/my requirements with 17g Hornady V-Max and Federal V Shok.....Winchester OK...CCI????..Remington not great, (strange as I like their .22LR Yellow Jackets) but all rifles different!!


(Handy..... as my local has V-Max and it's the cheapest as well)

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