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a good team to be maby?

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victor get your staff fit get a big muckle pure bred greyhound bitch a few years youll have fox killing lurchers , i wouldnt bother gettting a staff to catch foxes maybe draw them but foxes are fast and tricky dont waste your time on dogs not suited to do job unless your just messing about with the odd one be clever and by a good book merle start of a synasty youll get on fine its all about a fox killing dog ,or there newer books out with similair headings i think its called scooby doo thyell tell you all about what would suit you mate , be bright and stay one step ahead of the foxes bud ahah

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i you know what i eman by saying a running dog. like a lurcher.

you think im wrong to do so.. :hmm: ill still do itbut do you haveproof that it is a big mistake. oh and im not trying to start a big fight here and if it turns out that way any mod ishould shut it down cus the last thing we need on here is a stupid fight about a staffy.


You keep saying you are going to do it wether the advice you're given is NOT to do IT !!!!!!!...... Just go ahead, mate, pointless talking to you, last word on this ridiculous subject from me !!!!Cheers.


read the opening post again and you see that im just asking if it is a wise move. and not asking for a alrounder dog . just my little 2 dog fox and rabbit team. its quite simple.

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victor get your staff fit get a big muckle pure bred greyhound bitch a few years youll have fox killing lurchers , i wouldnt bother gettting a staff to catch foxes maybe draw them but foxes are fast and tricky dont waste your time on dogs not suited to do job unless your just messing about with the odd one be clever and by a good book merle start of a synasty youll get on fine its all about a fox killing dog ,or there newer books out with similair headings i think its called scooby doo thyell tell you all about what would suit you mate , be bright and stay one step ahead of the foxes bud ahah


thank you,

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I just thought that I would add, a staffy does not have a lock jaw, they have the same anatomy as any other dog, they just have drive and stubborness to stay on, if you ask any staff rescue they will tell you to that this is a myth.

I got told that EBTs have this by people and laughed in their face as I knew they never, and proved them all wrong when I got a EBT off my bitch on my own, without using any muscle, just putting my hand and applying pressure in the right place can get their mouths open if you don't panic you can do it. here is a link about the myth. Although if your dog gets tetanus then it would get a lock-jaw, but I don't think thats what you want.


(this is about PBs but the same thing)


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thanks for that info. i just thort that the hard and powerful jaw was called 'lock jaw'. :thumbs:


that's all right its just that a lot of people are under the impression that bull terrier breeds, whether staff, English or PB have jaws that actually lock, so I thought that I would write up that they don't :) unless they have tetanus.


I have to say that you take it well though, a lot of people just keep going on believing they do and sat that I don't know what I'm talking about.

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