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My bitch did something to her toe a couple of weeks back which resulted in a little cut (like a scratch) on the inside of the toe and it being a little swollen. She hasn't been lame and runs perfectly fine on it, but after a good run starts a little limp, the only time she lets out a little wimper is when you sqease the swollen part, it's swollen on the knuckle part of the toe. She's in the lamping comp next week!! I can't totally rest her if she needs it or else she will get totally unfit and that will be it. As i said she runs perfectly on it and isn't lame.


Any ideas or suggestions on what it could be or to do?

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Not sure it's a chipped bone...possibly just bruised or sprained....rest is the only cure I'm afraid....has the cut healed fully sometimes lurchers can be real wimps when it comes to cuts and grazes....I would just keep an eye on it and bathe regularly in warm water. :blink:

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I think you'd be best to get the dog checked over to make sure your not doing anymore damage running the dog ;) bull X's will often run with injurys without showing any signs, just make sure its nothing that could end her career if its not treated. It could be ligament damage?? My dogs got damaged ligaments at the moment theres swelling on the knuckle but no cuts?? Deffo get your bitch checked over!! :thumbs: Good luck in the Comp :victory:


Scouser 3038

Edited by scouser3038
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i know some people,s use iodine on swollen toe,s ,,,,,think it hardens the toe


but if its a crack bone,,some people,s use a chinise remedys,,,my brother used one if i see him i will ask him the name,,,somtimes u can find thing,s that might help in racing horses suply sites



( if ur dog not 100% i would strongly advise not to run him,,,,remember a dogs toe,s or feet ,is there bread and butter sort of speak,,, there,s always next time)



what iam trying to say is dont take risks if its toe,s or feet,,,thats the dogs main tools,,exculding there mouth :thumbs:

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