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Rats/squirrels in the loft

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:o thanks sminky,excellent post. Well the ex-wifey has decided to get the council in,i will see how it goes and what they say or do when they arrive.

In the meantime im setting about getting some traps,finding entry holes and looking at rat baits i can put up in the loft. I cant really bait outside as she has cats,unless i can rig up some sort of tunnel feeder so the cats cant get to it? ;)

I'll post again as things develop,thanks again everyone that has helped,its very much appreciated ;)

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UPDATE:- :wallbash:


The guy from the council came :whistling: "cant see nee droppings up in the loft,ive put some bait down though,probably just a few mice." :doh:


Now lets make one thing clear,im not a rat man,ive shot a few with my air rifle,and ive had my beddy x out a few times courtesy of millet, but i dont know that much about them :hmm:


One thing i do know though and thats that there are droppings all over the ex-wifes loft insulation,and there are runs,which can all be seen clearly from the loft hatch using a torch.


Looks like im going to get the job of clearing the little beggars out :toast:


Im going down there tomorrow/today,when i wake up,(just finished nightshift), i 'll take the camera and get some pics. Im fairly sure they are rat droppings.

Ive got a bag of readymix cement for blocking holes up,im gonna be lifting the loft insulation to see if i can find any sort of nest,then hopefully i will be going into town to get some rat traps and poison.


Watch this space :boogie:

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hello there buddy, looks like the good people on thl have given you plenty of information to go on with...the only thing that i might ad from a bit of expirience is that if possible, try and try again to catch them in a trap, cause where poison is great , it also tends to leave mr ratty dead and decaying away in loft or cavity spaces which tends to carry through vents and the like so you end up with a god awfull smell in your home untill either you find the corpse, or it has completely rotted away to just bones...not very pleasant for when your kids want to bring their friends home...all the best...justin

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Right well i didnt get down my ex's and i didnt manage to get any traps or poison :icon_redface:

An old girlfriend called in to see me,and . . . . er . . . . . we got a bit distracted :victory::tongue2::censored::feck::whistling:


Well what would you rather do? The ex wifes rats or a lovely young lady? :toast:

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