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Dan Edwards and Uphilldoc

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left to right, jack blues brother six months old, Bond 3/4 grey 1/4 stag two year old bitch, Hank 3/4 stag 1/4 grey one year old, Stitch two years old .




cotten she is two and a half and a strait stag no greyhound for hundred years, Cleo the BMC she is three and a bit




This is Mindy three year old stag, stitch, and jack.

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They are my dogs not Dan's and thanks for the replys. Yes we all hunt a little different I drive a Chevy so I do not have breakdowns and do not get stuck as much as the rest of them. I also hunt horseback and on foot.


Doc I had him out the other day on some jacks, The first run he just watched but stole the jack when it was retrieved on the second run he ran with the older dog for 100 yrds but is still just goofing around. Another month maybe and they should level of a bit and start running. They turned six months two days ago, so they are only half way to next hurdle in there lifes. As that poet says "To run or not to run that is the question" I am happy so far he throats them older dogs till they get really mad and he is getting to rough on the little dogs they hate him. I would compare him with a dalmatian not much good for anything but fun to watch.

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As far as tracing there history back. The guy I bought her from can trace them back to the guy he bought the ancestors from but that guy is dead now so it is all word of mouth nothing wrote down. the reason for putting the pic up was to show the deep gut and flat back of the strait stags compared with the others which are still stags but not as inbreed for just killing they have dogs in them that are bred just to run

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