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roasted hedgehog

Guest midnight_runner

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100% Right ditch shitter but for got to mention removing the ticks

and to be extra carefull of the piss bag if it bursts its all over

oh and if its abit late in the season or mild winter they have

more sp*nk than a human. mmm mmm roll on the winter.

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:hmm: Think theres enough variety of grub about without turning to the hedgehog as grub.what next someones gonna say travellers keep rats stuff em with paxo and roast over a gentle fire till a bit scorched.

or earth worm blown up with a pump stuffed with a few choice maggots and simmered in ----. :D:D

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Interesting thread :clapper:


When I was a wee girl I had a favorite book about a hedgehog called Oggy and I remember reading about one of his wee hedgehog pals who met with a sticky end one night, a gypsy guy put him in a sack and took him back to the campfire, rolled him in clay and roasted him on the fire :cry::laugh:

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:hmm: Think theres enough variety of grub about without turning to the hedgehog as grub.what next someones gonna say travellers keep rats stuff em with paxo and roast over a gentle fire till a bit scorched.

or earth worm blown up with a pump stuffed with a few choice maggots and simmered in ----. :D:D


:D Dordi if you gave me a bar for every time Ive heard travellers think hedgehog is kooshtie Id be a Shevengro. stick to the sho sho , they taste better roasted over the yog.

Just goin to the bothie to get me head down with me jukel. Misto yn iach. :D:D


:hmm: Think theres enough variety of grub about without turning to the hedgehog as grub.what next someones gonna say travellers keep rats stuff em with paxo and roast over a gentle fire till a bit scorched.

or earth worm blown up with a pump stuffed with a few choice maggots and simmered in ----. :D:D


:D Dordi if you gave me a bar for every time Ive heard travellers think hedgehog is kooshtie Id be a Shevengro. stick to the sho sho , they taste better roasted over the yog.

Just goin to the bothie to get me head down with me jukel. Misto yn iach. :D:D

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
just read thru this thread and it reads like a db plummer book fascinating but full of shite...........fitch



Oh? Then Please Do qualify that accusation by picking our statements to pieces, Fitch. Highlight where ye dispute the personal, hands on experiances of any of those of us who've stated they're talking Truth.



100% Right ditch shitter but for got to mention removing the ticks



That's why I burned the buggers in the fire as soon as I tapped them, mate. Lose the jockeys ;) Ye'll, no doubt, know as well as I do what I mean by " Tapping " them. I'm just avoiding explaining it because I don't want to set off a whole wave of lunatics trying that method of despatch, 'Just to find out', and then discarding the poor buggers - especially 'out of season'.


Actually ~ and this'll no doubt feed our " Fitch's " taste for the Plummeresque ~ I distinctly remember the occassion that finally got me to stop searching out hotchies for hobens. I was coming home with one, very late one night, when a guy called me back down the road with the invite of a drink. Was I there? You f*cking bet I was! :laugh:


Turns out this guy had noticed me up and down the road we both lived in and, coming home to his well stocked place, alone and bored, simply decided to ask me in, on impulse.


So, as he poured us some good 70% proof (as it was, in those days), I explained that I had this bloody hedgehog in my bag which I didn't want to kill just then. He suggested I let it roam about the floor and so I did. And we sat drinking. Observing the hotchi mouching about his furniture, and began one of the most intriguing conversations I've ever had:


Turns out this guys profession was ..... Wait for it! ..... F*cking " Lion Tamer "! :icon_eek: Yep! I shit ye not! (Say what ye like, any of ye. But just remember; I was there). He told me all about the realities of the job. Much of it now long forgotten, sadly. But I distinctly remember him saying how Lions were generally 'A piece of piss' to handle. (He explained the classical use of a chair, but I can't remember it now) while Tigers could prove a bit more of a handful. Worst of all though ~ research me if ye think I'm making this up. It might be out there somewhere) ~ he said, were Bears!


Sorry to be bending this thread so, but if we're all talking ' Plummer shite ', why not indulge myself? My man reckoned most big cats would pretty much do as ye bid them and more or less get on with it. But I'll never forget how he said that he'd trained bears and that they were Real trecherous b*stards. His chief example was that he'd be teaching them to roll over. I don't recall he meant 'Die for the queen' type roll. More the rolling over and over, on their sides. Roll around the ring, see?


Fact is, he said ye had to watch these bears. Beacause they'd make out they were complient and would roll around the place. But, as they rolled past ye? Swipe! Crafty b*stards would cunningly lash out with a paw and go for ye ankle! :icon_eek:


Now, all that may sound amusing, from the safety of ye chair and screen? But you work it out: If you're the only man in there, likely quite alone as ye get on with ye job, and several hundredweight of real, live bear is trying to take ye off ye feet? What's his next plan of action? We're not talking " Circus Boy " here.


Anyway; That guy was also the one who calmly, rather methodically and quite effectively 'tamed' me and my attitude towards hotchi's as a menu supplement. By the end of that session he'd talked me into giving our prickly mate there a break. I later set it free where I'd found it. Vowed to leave them alone there after. And had one tattoo'd on my arm as a life long reminder of that night.


Still; That was all a life time ago and I am, after all, full of shit .....








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  • 11 months later...
Hi DS,

As uaual, a thoroughly entertaining post.

Before the world went PC and when I was still very much a youth. I was taken to the circus to watch, among other things, a lion-tamer do his thing.


Although many years ago now, I clearly can remember jugglers, trapezes artist and scantily clad ladies doing gymnastics on horseback, entertaining the crowd whilst we waited for the main attraction. Just as the boredom was beginning to become overwhelming, the MC entered the ring to announce an intermission. Clowns then entertained those of us in the audience that had not gone to buy an ice-cream or candyfloss, while a small army of men set about erecting a circular steel enclosure that was almost as big as the ring itself.


The arena eventually became empty of all those helping to construct the cage, the lights dimmed and a brilliant white spot light illuminated the MC as he re-entered the now securely enclosed main arena.


He then began a loud and flamboyant announcement, informing us how we would be amazed at the feats of bravery, shortly to be demonstrated by the next performer, who apparently had travelled all the way from Russia (I have often wondered at what point in his travels he had acquired his lions, being as Russia is somewhat short of them in the wild) to demonstrate his power over the ‘kings’ (obviously a shared realm) of the jungle. The MC introduced him as the magnificent somebody or other and hastily left the ring.


I was almost unable to contain my excitement as drum role began. The lion tamer entered the ring and the gate was closed behind him. He raised his whip and brought it down with a loud CRACK, the drum role stopped and half a dozen lions could be heard roaring as they came charging through a caged tunnel and entered the ring.


I am not sure exactly what his lion taming feats amounted to, as on seeing six real, live lions only yards away, I completely sh*t myself, burst into tears of fright and buried my face in my hands until I was assured that it was all over.


And the reason for this seemingly pointless recollection!!! well nothing really…. Except to highlight how a disturbing childhood experience can affect someone for the rest of their lives, as now I have a real phobia of lions and cr*p myself when ever I am near one. :)


Oh, just to keep on topic… I haven’t tried hedgehog.

clay oven ..all sh.t there only one way do cook a hochie shave all the spines of then sqinge him over a fire cut his head of cut him down his back tap thorw bone turn him inside out clen him cut down midel so you have got to halfs put them on a spit rost on fire or boil them this is the proper way never mine [bANNED TEXT] other men says :whistling:
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now look ere this thread is as racist as it gets,ipesonally am selectively racist. rom are good people and if yer ever in the shit theyd help you out,yes theres bad rom but that is true in every culture.the sooner the rom people are given ethnicity status the better then you lot wont dare slag them off,

A NOTE TO MODS ON HERE : if this slagging off was about all muslims being terrorists or all blacks being drug dealers you would have locked the thread a long time ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well said fish,, we had a simmilar prob on the ..jacksshed, forum... a while back,,, why is it that in this modern age of politicly correctness it is still socialy acceptable to openly discriminate agianst gypsy's...... here's one for all of ya to think about.... who was born in a stable with horse's, travelled the land's cos he was victimised everywhere he went, and then slaughtered for his belief's........ jesus christ that's who ,, a true gypsy

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im a traveler meself but never eaten a hotchi but my dad has eate and killed thousands of em he's 73 and grew up on em ,,,, to be quite truthfull with ya cooking them in clay is the biggest load of bullshit ever said it was proberly told as a joke to someone and its spread from there........ first of all when you get yer hedgehog you tap him on the nose to kill him with the back of ya dagger.. then you hold him by by back legs and stand on his front feet and pull him tight working with a sharp knife shave the bristles downwards to his nose,, when youve got off al the bristles you can with the knife you then hold him over a flame turning him gently around and over to singe off any remaining bristle and hair,, whilst dooin this the hedgehogs back will swell up to almost double its size and the whole thing will turn black and look like a bowler hat,,,, now starting at the front of the nose gently tap into the bone a with a dagger and use something blunt and heavy to tap with.the hedgehog has a bone that runs from its nose to its tailtap the dagger all the way through the to the tail end,, once youve done this now your ready to gut it,,you gut through the back taking great care not to bust the gall bladder which looks like little blue ball my dad said if the gall bladder was busted due to the flaming they would throw it away cos it would make you bad,,,, now wash it out and cook in a tray like any other meat,,,,,,,,, p.s hedgehog fat will never set it always stays liquidy and dogs wont touch the leftovers ..... i hope thats cleared the subject up for anyone

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