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trained ferrets

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ive got six ferrets four polecats two albinos and all off a souden one of my polecats started to lick blood of my hands and now it will eat meat out off my hand it even comes to a wissel will it still be any good for ferreting or is it just a pet now its shocked a lot of people that ive showen it to ive even turned down money for her should i try her out ferreting or not dont want to loose her

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ive got six ferrets four polecats two albinos and all off a souden one of my polecats started to lick blood of my hands and now it will eat meat out off my hand it even comes to a wissel will it still be any good for ferreting or is it just a pet now its shocked a lot of people that ive showen it to ive even turned down money for her should i try her out ferreting or not dont want to loose her
try it
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ive got six ferrets four polecats two albinos and all off a souden one of my polecats started to lick blood of my hands and now it will eat meat out off my hand it even comes to a wissel will it still be any good for ferreting or is it just a pet now its shocked a lot of people that ive showen it to ive even turned down money for her should i try her out ferreting or not dont want to loose her

Thats not a bad thing, All of mine do the same

I think its called appreciation. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
ive got six ferrets four polecats two albinos and all off a souden one of my polecats started to lick blood of my hands and now it will eat meat out off my hand it even comes to a wissel will it still be any good for ferreting or is it just a pet now its shocked a lot of people that ive showen it to ive even turned down money for her should i try her out ferreting or not dont want to loose her

Thats not a bad thing, All of mine do the same

I think its called appreciation. :)

i went out last weekend with her for the first time and she did very well she bolted 17 all day to me thats ok
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All your ferret's should be able to do that what happens when after a hour or two's ferreting your hand smells of blood and rabbit and you need to shove your hand into a burrow to pull out a rabbit and your ferret's sitting tight on it ???

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