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im just going by what i been told.


ok well here goes, my small jill went very thin, very weak and lost the use of her back legs. . unable to walk and just lying there helpless......


what you think......


vets for the second time :no:http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=73951


So when did the jill die yesterday or today ?

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Listen mate,act quick,get it in the warm give it plenty of fluids and especially some glucose in some warm water

or sugary type of drinks keep a close eye on it and quarantine it away from the others until it gets better.


ferrets dehydrate very quick,so if it does not take any fluids get a syringe and feed it yourself

see if it will eat some cat or dog food for now until its able to feed properly


best of luck

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im just going by what i been told.


ok well here goes, my small jill went very thin, very weak and lost the use of her back legs. . unable to walk and just lying there helpless......


what you think......


Dont sound like heatstroke to me they dont go thinn in a matter of hours ferrets suffering heat exhaustion pant like a dog & lie flat to the floor head stretched out , follow the post aboves advice to treat heatstroke


was she brought out of season this year ?

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believe it or not i dealt with a ferret with heat exaustion in nov once before, it was in the boot of a car & the woman i was with pulled over on the way back from a show & one of them was suffering the classic signs

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its only about 8-9 months old....its in the warm and in giving it milk and water. going to try some cooked chicken now....


So you have lost 1 ferret already with the same signs as this one ?

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yeah lost one this morning. they are both jills from the same litter. i forgot to say that she is TWITCHING bad too. just fed it some chicken and it ate a small bit, its in my front room as we speak in the wormth......


i dont understand. i got a old hob in the same cage that is fine but i have moved him in to a differant cage and washed and disenfectented the 2 tier cage .....

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yeah lost one this morning. they are both jills from the same litter. i forgot to say that she is TWITCHING bad too. just fed it some chicken and it ate a small bit, its in my front room as we speak in the wormth......


i dont understand. i got a old hob in the same cage that is fine but i have moved him in to a differant cage and washed and disenfectented the 2 tier cage .....


With what you have just said now,To be honest mate I think it may even be parvo or distemper,the symptoms and signs dont look too good.


keep a close eye on it

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