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Kania trap

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well its that time of year again, the squirrel jobs are comming in thik and fast. at the momment i have 5 diffrent squirrel jobs on, all in peoples loft spaces. but heres some pics, of a set , thats outside. the squirrels bordering this garden use the fence as a run . these are usualy good spots for a set.








here's a close up of the trigger mechanisium , you can also see the killing bar




some bait on the fence the post top was sloping, so put a blob of peanut butter on there to stop the nuts rolling off




reset and ready for more squirrels


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yes [bANNED TEXT] you can use them for Mink, just bait with fish heads. but you would have to take care not to trap otter.


they can also be used for rat , stoat and weasle. i belive in the U.S and Canada, there are larger versions for fox coyoty and other speicies.


if any of our trappers from over there have any pics i would love to see them :) TOMO

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they can also be used for rat , stoat and weasle. i belive in the U.S and Canada, there are larger versions for fox coyoty and other speicies

Bought the same model as you have, set it just one time for marten, but never caught one.

I don't think It's a popular trap. Probably because we have so many other conibear traps and set we can use.

I've only seen this one model. If there are others or bigger ones I have no knowledge.

For sure after seeing how well you take squirrels with it I'll use it for my next problem with the critters.

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