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homemade bunny burgers


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after ferreting on wensday gone, thought we'd try some bunny burgers, using a recipe from river cottage,


so took all the best bits of a couple of rabbits, and put them through a blender, 1kg of rabbit, 250g of sausage meat, tablespoon of mixed herbs, 1 fine chopped onion, mix altogether, and hay-presto, tasted well nice, have another 6 in the freezer, with more on the agenda









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I'm not trying to steal your thunder. I been using these for years. If any one is intrested here's a couple off additional recipies.

Burgers. (rough quantities, use what you have)

2lb minced rabbit, 3 chopped tomato's, 1 chopped onion, 3 rashers chopped bacon, 1 pint breadcrumbs, 1 tbsp pickle, 2 tsp mixed herbs, drop of Worcestershire sauce, 2 eggs, bit of fresh or dried rosemary.

Just bung it all together, mix and make into burgers. Flour your hands if it's a bit sticky. Chill in the fridge for a few hours before frying in a bit of butter with a touch of oil. They'll keep in the freezer for about three months.

Rabbit Pate. (Again rough quantities)

2lb rabbit, 2lb pork, 1lb fat bacon, 2 onions, tbsp parsley, 2 tsp thyme, 2-3 shots brandy, salt & pepper Bayleaf & streaky bacon.

Mix it together, apart from bayleaf and steaky bacon. Shove it in a few small oven proof dishes (ramekins) push down well and top off with a bit of streaky bacon and a bay leaf. Cover with a bit of grease proof paper and put in a roasting tin of water. Cook at 150 c/300 f /gas 2 for about an hour. Whwn cool pour over a bit of meleted butter or lard. It'll keep for a few weeks in a cool place with waxed paper on top (not my recipie. Many thanks to the 'Two Fat Ladies")

Myxomatosis Sauce!!!!!!!!!!!! (Serve with burgers or drizzle over pate)

1/2 jar redcurrant jelly, 1/2 mug red wine, 3-4 tbsp creme fraiche, bit of chopped rosemary, salt & pepper.

Melt jelly, add wine and simmer for ten mins, add creme fraiche, rosemary and season.

Enjoy :D

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after ferreting on wensday gone, thought we'd try some bunny burgers, using a recipe from river cottage,


so took all the best bits of a couple of rabbits, and put them through a blender, 1kg of rabbit, 250g of sausage meat, tablespoon of mixed herbs, 1 fine chopped onion, mix altogether, and hay-presto, tasted well nice, have another 6 in the freezer, with more on the agenda









They look the business Steve ,keep eating them and your Missus will soon have you as fat as me!

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