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Bit of fun with the russell!

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Went in to my barn today to do the horses stables!! but we had some baled shavings delivered!! We unloaded them on a pallet off the truck and put them in the barn!!


I was working threw the stables and i herd an all mighty howel sort of bark noise and i looked over and ben was stood on the quad! looking at the bales with one paw in the air bent and he wouldnt stop looking at this one bale!!


I went over and pulled a few bales off because he wasnt moving and i found the middle one had been tunneled by rats!!!


Ben went nuts he was ripping and biting the plastic of it and digging and it was great!! he caught 2 rats but didnt manage to get pics of them as they were a bit mangled when he had finished with them ha ha have some pics of him in the prossess of getting them though :) enjoy hee hee xxx










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lol Narrr I want them all :clapper: hee hee!! and thankyou very much for the comment :icon_redface: There is just some kinda rush that you get from seein a horrible vermin getting ripped up ha ha!! sorry if that sounds grows lol!!


Oh and believe it or not I ust to own a pet rat called Harry and the day he bit me I hated him ever sinse!! thohught i would give the little bliters a chance but nope!! he crossed over the line :nono:


Will post a pic up of him if u like :) xx

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