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Pure Whippet

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Guest anonymous
  whip x grey said:
  barnslyben said:
  Sighthound said:
  anonymous said:
  Sighthound said:
I've had whippets for 20 plus years, lurchers for 30 plus.

You have been out with the wrong whippets, fact if I had a whippet that did as you say then I would not keep it for long.

As for saying avoid KC whippets then that really shows you know nothing some of the best working whippets are KC bred.

14 posts in your first day of joining. :rolleyes:


What do you mean regarding the 14 posts in my first day? Is there a limit? I'd avoid KC dogs of any breed. I seem to have hit a nerve with you regarding the Kennel Club, you a puppy breeder yourself? Thanks for sharing with me your years of owning dogs, I know some people who have drove all there life, still can't parallel park if there life depended on it!


Can't be arsed.

oh dear, lets get this back on track,a well bred working whippet is a good allround dog that will have a crack at anything game ,tough,little dogs

fact . :gunsmilie:



i agree whippet are great dog,s,,,,,i only own b.w.r.a whippets for racing mainly,,,,in winter i hunt them mainly in daylight,,,,,but whippets make great pets and will hunt anything u send them on,,,,,,( my old 36lb whippet used to take fully grown roe deer with ease )


i also hear alot ,,they have no stamina,,,,,well we go to greyhound track,s in winter with ours,,,and we trail them after one trail we give them there 2nd,,,and somtimes greyhound men say from time to time u trailing them again :o ?????, ,( as they normally only give there greyhound one run)

,,,but b.w.r.a whippets at bend open,s have to race 4/5 times at 110% speed to win in same day at 300yrd plus tracks,,,,in a short space of time


pedigree tracks are much the same in straight racing,,,not as fast as b.w.r.a whippets but on straight racing have to run 200yrd always giving everything they have 4/5 times in short space of time,between race,s


2 runs eh? Aye, you've got me converted. My Lurchers only good for one chase and the permission is a long way from where I stay so to get 2 runs is a bonus!!!.....................

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Why are you all so bitchy, only joined a week ago, thought this was a serious site for serious dog men, most of you just wanna run people down! C'mon, this game is hard enough without us fighting each other!!! :angry:

If you want a whippet, have a chat to david lloyd, he has some of the best genuine working whippets i have ever seen, they are hardy, game, and have plenty of stamina, and all kc reg, and i'm not bias cos I don't like whippets! Ask david for some pics, they show exactly what whippets are capable of in the right hands, and his ground is mainly hill farms in wales, you don't get much harder terrain, i should know, i've walked them with him for the last 15yrs!! :cry:

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looks good land been up the dales simliar to borders of scotland good sport and good terrain for whippets ,i like a big ole juicy pad on a dog tho and a bit meat to take the knocks of running were ever , but yes whippets are good and there hybrids to saluks or top class greyhounds even better , i got tess a whiipet grey she done the lot flushed roe hare rabbs fox not many as there not many were i hunt mostly ,stick a collie or saluks feet on her and i would stillhave her today , if any body hunts alot the firsyt thing you look at pups is aset of tyres and bone ,its the most important thing good set of juicy strong pads not small dainty feet ,

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little lurcher but there more versatile dogs on the market and when maybe you can only have one or two there more versatile the more sport 16 dogs couldnt work with that any more than 5 or 6 and some are old breeding stock i would be pulling my hair out , some people are dog daft mines are workers first then semi pets but wouldnt have them if they couldnt work unless top class dogs in there day and for breeding purposes

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Guest little lurcher
  whin said:
little lurcher but there more versatile dogs on the market and when maybe you can only have one or two there more versatile the more sport 16 dogs couldnt work with that any more than 5 or 6 and some are old breeding stock i would be pulling my hair out , some people are dog daft mines are workers first then semi pets but wouldnt have them if they couldnt work unless top class dogs in there day and for breeding purposes


oh of course you know all my dogs and what they do dont you????!!! :blink:


for those others whom dont know , i have italian greyhounds here which , shock horror i show!! i have elderly dogs and rescues , yes my dogs that work are my pets too!! homes for life not dumped when something dont go right, i prefer my whippets as they do what i want them to do easy and biddable to train and work , i love the lurchers too due to the traits of different crosses , but IF i ever had to go down to a couple of dogs then all the others would go and it would be my whippets that stayed , they work show lure course and most of all they are my pets , also they keep my freezers full!! :)

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frank my freind, good freind d slieght has worked them had them for 30 odd years i ve worked mines and saw several working so no a bit about them ye im lucky im out aall the time and while young and fit will do so but i dont sell a dog on some one , no need to dogs sell there self , this aint no dress rehearsal ,whippets good little dogs but in my long expierences not the bees knee and i have whippet in my collie line goin back to d slieghts kizy katie ,milly my luke etc lana so i do no a bit a bout dogs mate and i do walk the walk , but i dont race show or keep hoards of little dogs , and i never sell dogs on to people i let people make there own mind up , ive always said get a dog thta does the biz in the area you hunt not just something you like or a kc pedigree im a realist mate no arm chair thriller , and i am aknowledgble guy but its came at aprice believe me

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was away last nite and away this morning same dogs bolting rabbs and see if there a few hares to flush , ye i no frank what whippets have maybe a 25 inch whippet would suit me as ive gave dave my bitch and getting pups back of her but i no the feet will go mate if they dont and the stamina and soundness keeps up big if well ill be happy cause she has gears butt takes it ill out hare roe hare without much rest some times , and the qaurry next to house is full of rabbs but you need good feet to work it regulary ive no complaints with her, but stoppers thin skinned not mad on cover but in good ground and open land does well, if she was rubbish would have been away to good home or ptsleep, but shees a wheel in one part of a cog ive got a son of her nephews got brother mates got daughter so i will see how they fare better feet and bone that her took more to saluk but alot more muscly , i kno my dogs frank and dont need books vids to be respected mate , on dogs , but not into all the pet industry kc this and that its whats in the pocket or in the freezer thta counts ,to be truthful frank if i thought i could get 26 inch whippets with saluki feet and good coat i would have them as to me an allround dog has to be along these lines ive had one saw one but not many going about and yet to reproduce one but new pups maybe good, the minutse you bree d size you lose whippet zest at times my collie line have whipet mentality even only a qaurt whippet but the pure just to small for all round dogs and you give them big nites driving stubble after stubble hare rabb roe maybe fox well you no what happens they come out the kennel like do i need to after a season or two , ive been to rabbiting finals contests coursing finals not many if any pure breeds beat purpose cross breeds , every body has there own standard frank i would say a whippet to me is a dual purpose rabbiting racing animal , but not an allout rabbiting dog but they have good qaulitie hence alot of guys youse them for breeding purpose bred lurchers

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