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raw meat

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Guest Uk_Hunter

didnt know where to post this.....is it ok to feed my spaniel,terriers and lurcher raw meat? liver,rabbit ect...


my m8s feeds his spaniels raw meat but im not sure



cheers :good:

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didnt know where to post this.....is it ok to feed my spaniel,terriers and lurcher raw meat? liver,rabbit ect...


my m8s feeds his spaniels raw meat but im not sure



cheers :good:


what did dogs used to eat before they made dog biscuits?


theres ur answer mate



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didnt know where to post this.....is it ok to feed my spaniel,terriers and lurcher raw meat? liver,rabbit ect...


my m8s feeds his spaniels raw meat but im not sure



cheers :good:

if you cook the meat dont feed the dogs the bones

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Whole raw carcass [bANNED TEXT]. Fur & everything -gut..(would do any harm but's much more easy carrying the lot)..The best!!!! but don't mix raw and dry.


If you feed raw [bANNED TEXT] on a regular basis it's good 2 freeze'em for a couple of weeks to kill any tapeworm cysts in the raw meat i was told. Or just deworm 4X a year which is a good practice anyway.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Whole raw carcases are the best, and most natural, diet for a dog. Always has been, always will be.


If you're on about looking it up on the net stay away from BARF sites (BARF = Billinghurst's lot). Get onto some raw feeder sites instead. "BARF" nowadays means 66% fruit, veg, nuts, seeds and herbs, and "some" ground meat and bone... WTF?! LOL


Dogs are carnivores, and do not need vegetable matter or carbohydrates of any kind. Stick to fresh raw food and you're laughing.


If you can't get whole carcases in an amount to constitute 100% of the diet, raw meaty bones (emphasis on the meaty) are great, as is offal etc. Don't feed "bare naked bones" as they'll back the dog up in no time flat.


Personally I haven't fed shit in a big for a long time, and never will again. If I run out of fresh food for the dogs by some miracle, they starve til the next day. Wouldn't feed 'em that poisonous shit (dry food) if you paid me.


There's masses of scientific evidence (proper, independent scientific studies, not pet food manufacturer's articles!) to back this up. Read for yourself mate.


They shit 66% less (by volume) than on dry or other commercial food (because there's no fillers or cereal rubbish), don't smell "doggy", have no bad breath, and don't get tartar or gum disease / periodontal disease. You'll also find they look better and live longer than commercially fed dogs to boot (again all scientifically verified).


You might want to check out Raw Meaty Bones (Dr Tom Lonsdale, 2001) and Work Wonders, Feed Raw Meaty Bones (Dr Tom Lonsdale, 2005/6). You can get the latter book FREE as a PDF from www.rawmeatybones.com Well worth a read :good:


Here are some links to raw food sites in no particular order:


http://www.rawfed.com/ Click on "Myths" for more info on raw than you ever thought you could learn lol




http://www.rawfeddogs.net/ Click on "Recipes" for ideas about how to feed dogs raw (including parts etc)




That should get you started mate. Good luck :good:

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Dogs are carnivores, and do not need vegetable matter or carbohydrates of any kind. Stick to fresh raw food and you're laughing.



Not entirely true mate -dogs need to obtain vits and minerals from green stuff and deprived of this they will gorge on grass ,given the opportunity.Rest of your post spot on. :good:

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Guest mucker
Not entirely true mate -dogs need to obtain vits and minerals from green stuff and deprived of this they will gorge on grass ,given the opportunity.Rest of your post spot on. :good:

i always thought eating grass was something to do with lactic acid?

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Grass goes in one end and out the other, unchanged. I don't personally see how they get any kind of vitamins/minerals from that at all. It's an accepted fact (even by the pet food manufacturers) that dogs require ZERO carbs in their diet, and any biologist or wolf ecologist will tell you wolves (of which dogs are a direct sub species) don't eat herbivorous material as a general part of the diet.


But, it's such an insignificant point in relation to the poster's original question I'll leave it lie from there. For this thread anyway :laugh: :whistle: ;)


Here's my 16 week old Sealyham x Russell pup eating a fresh whole rabbit for anyone who's interested:





I've left the more "graphic" images out (I don't see any problem with nature, but hey it is a public forum lol), but you get the idea.

Try as they might, you just can't beat a few million years of evolution and nature's intended diet :good:





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