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shine on new permission

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talking to a farmer a few weeks ago, he was telling me he had loads of rabbits on his land if i fancied it?


managed to get round a look last night, weather was perfect strong winds and no moon, unfortunately the night was cut short with the hail stones and strong wind making it painfull to be out in it, we managed to do less than half the farm and accounted for 20 rabbits, mouseys pup got 3 and fiac got 17, although my battery ran done :( (forgot to charge it) and we had to pick mouseys pups runs as after her accident she wasnt keen on chasing near the fence lines :( he will have to choose her runs and build her confidence up again, had the battery not gone and mouseys pup had been running as she can we could have had 30 odd no probs and thats only of half of the farm.


Fiac ran very well and only missed a couple all night :)


This has to be one of the best bits of permission i have so delighetd with that, the farmer came a walk with us to check the dogs were ok with stock etc and was impressed with the dogs working and has said we can come back anytime :)



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  WILF said:
Good do out mate, Fiac did well again........turning into a good dog, all that litter have done well.


Nice one..........put your winter woolys on this weekend, your gonna get cold :D



i was a bit peed of that the weather turned i wanted to keep her running as she was only getting warmed up, on the way home the hail stopped and i suggested we stop off at another farm to get a few more, mousey didnt fancy it, soft fecker :o:D

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  mackem said:
TJ,is there still masses of rabbits up there?My cousin says as many as ever but she isnt really a good barometer,some people see 10 rabbits and assume theres a plague :)



Honestly, not really anymore, this farm last night has probably the most ive lamped on, it was only a few miles from where plummer used to stay (i was pretending i was him last night :laugh::laugh::laugh: ) there are good numbers but not in the numbers you see in the dales etc.


ps ask your cousin if she knows anyone with all these rabbits that needs them removed :D

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  mackem said:
You ever bump into Tom Burns up there TJ?Didnt he move there to breed pure-bred deerhounds?


heard about him and lamped near where he lives but never heard about him working his dogs or anything or seen him working his dogs and i would imagine should he, we would have come across him?

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