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Skulking ferret

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Your making it worse snatching at her when she wont leave the mouth of a burrow and maybe rough handling her ,You need to go back to basic's get a piece of pipe in your garden let her run threw this and come right out before you pick her up ,then make a bit of noise and let her come right out .Maybe give her a bit meat a sip of milk or some ferret paste something she likes so she will come right out . I get the kids to do this in the summer with any kitts new ferrets and i rarely have trouble but you cant rush it or snatch at your ferret or you just make it worse and your left standing like a lemon outside a burrow waiting on a ferret

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Patience is the key , have had ferrets here who bop back & forth when you attempt to pick them up , never had a kit raised from here do it only handed in ferrets so i can only assume in my case its lack of handling in the first place.


Also bare in mind its a kit & going down a very dark hole into the unknown has got to be pretty daunting so when you think so has the reverse , coming into the daylight from a dark place , its very much a new experience for any ferret the first season its worked

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Got one like that, except he seems to think its a game... jump just out of reach as soon as I come close enough, then if I step back he comes out again and does that freaky dancing thing ferrets do before turning round and running back in again, lol.


Could just be a bit too young?

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Young one's will fool around a bit, the world of ferreting is a big place to a kit, dogs and folk stomping around above them.

But from what you have said, (and i've seen it lots of times) the young critter has taken a slamming off the hind legs of a rabbit saying it's not coming out.

Seen plenty of jills and hobs getting into it full swing, untill they get this, and then it's like a light switch, and never seen it switch back on again.

Good luck with her, hope she comes round.

Edited by Brimmer
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Got one like that, except he seems to think its a game... jump just out of reach as soon as I come close enough, then if I step back he comes out again and does that freaky dancing thing ferrets do before turning round and running back in again, lol.


Could just be a bit too young?



Thats exactly what she does, and makes that clucky noise!!!

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