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Sell or Put Down???

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At the end of the day you did the right thing but moving on to a couple of other points...you asked if anyone had a litter going with no bull in the mix. I'm not a lover of this x but I dont think that was your problem. You have to dominate your dog no matter what the x. your the boss not the dog. By the sounds of it you were to soft on him the only way to curb aggression in a dog toward a dog that shows this type of behaviour toward human's never mind other dogs is to meet like with like imo. If any of my dogs showed the slightest inclination to being aggressive toward people I would litterally beat the dog to within an inch of it's life, no two way's about it. Dog's need to be socialised properly and not pampered to the extent that they see themselves as a member of the family. Think of it as pack mentality there can be only one boss and that is you, thats the way it works in the wild and thats the way it should work in your home....dont make the same mistake again or you will be posting the same question a couple of year down the line. Sorry if this sounds harsh but thats the way it is imo. :blink::blink:


Im sorry but this is just not fukin fair!!! do you really think i would come on this site and make my self looklike a dick asking for help if i hadnt tryed everything!!!


I was at my wits end with this dog i have tryed training classes and the trainer told me to leave! because he kept going for everything! I have tryed the nice approch and he would turn at me and growl!!! I tryed the shot and point at the door get out!!! and he would stand there and challenge and in the end it went for me so it got a chair across the head!!


Fair does i hated doing it but i think it wouldhave been my neck otherwise!!!


He had a nice side of him which i loved and he was a fantastic worker but he just had a seriouse problem!!


So please dont say things like you did to piss me off!! I TRYED EVERYTHING!!!!!!! it gets me raging when people say that because they dont know the dog!!! and I would have loved to see someone else try and train that dog!!! it wasnt easy and it wasnt going to happen!!!


Thank you!!!!!

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I know just how you feel.We had a rotti from being 8 week old,he was quite protective of me,when the ambulance men came after i took really ill he wouldnt let them near me :icon_redface:

Then one day i was walking him through our field(which he had been through tons of times) and he took it upon himself to attack a lamb-never done it befor!

I went to get him off it and he went for me! I ended up in hospital ...again!

He had to be put down right away,he may never have done it again ever but i wouldnt risk the chance-it could have been my boy that got attacked and i couldnt live with myself if i re-homed him and he did it to someone else :(

It may not seem like it now but you did the right thing,and i no how easy it is for someone else to say that even though i never met the dog.

Keep your chin up.x

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At the end of the day you did the right thing but moving on to a couple of other points...you asked if anyone had a litter going with no bull in the mix. I'm not a lover of this x but I dont think that was your problem. You have to dominate your dog no matter what the x. your the boss not the dog. By the sounds of it you were to soft on him the only way to curb aggression in a dog toward a dog that shows this type of behaviour toward human's never mind other dogs is to meet like with like imo. If any of my dogs showed the slightest inclination to being aggressive toward people I would litterally beat the dog to within an inch of it's life, no two way's about it. Dog's need to be socialised properly and not pampered to the extent that they see themselves as a member of the family. Think of it as pack mentality there can be only one boss and that is you, thats the way it works in the wild and thats the way it should work in your home....dont make the same mistake again or you will be posting the same question a couple of year down the line. Sorry if this sounds harsh but thats the way it is imo. :blink::blink:


Im sorry but this is just not fukin fair!!! do you really think i would come on this site and make my self looklike a dick asking for help if i hadnt tryed everything!!!


I was at my wits end with this dog i have tryed training classes and the trainer told me to leave! because he kept going for everything! I have tryed the nice approch and he would turn at me and growl!!! I tryed the shot and point at the door get out!!! and he would stand there and challenge and in the end it went for me so it got a chair across the head!!


Fair does i hated doing it but i think it wouldhave been my neck otherwise!!!


He had a nice side of him which i loved and he was a fantastic worker but he just had a seriouse problem!!


So please dont say things like you did to piss me off!! I TRYED EVERYTHING!!!!!!! it gets me raging when people say that because they dont know the dog!!! and I would have loved to see someone else try and train that dog!!! it wasnt easy and it wasnt going to happen!!!


Thank you!!!!!



I'm sorry you took this as me having a go at you that not what Intended. All I am pointing out to you is if you dont stay on top of a situation like you had you end up with a dog that calls the shots. I've seen this many times usually with those wee pampered pooches that are treated like baby's they forget their place and someone get's bit. You got lucky with yours but it would only have been a matter of time before something serious happend. You freely admit that the dog scared you and it has shown it's aggressive side to you on more than one occasion. All I'm saying is that situation should never have happend a second time. If the dog thinks you are weak he will act accordingly. You did the right thing in having it put down but you have to learn from your mistakes or you will repeat the process and I dont think thats what you want is it?

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Right as you all know! I have a saluki/ Bull/ Greyhound, He is good at workin brings back live to hand! BUT...


He has a bad aggression problem, with people, other dogs and anything that moves!

He doesnt do the little stuff very well as is a very big dog!

He attacked my german shepherd for the 3rd time last night and the outcome was nasty! as couldnt get him off!


I am really stuck and dont know what to do please help!!!


I dont know wether it would be safe to sell him or give him away or wether it would be safer to just get him put down!!


:cry: please help :cry:




*just texting the water as dont know what to do yet*

i had a terrie

Edited by powderpuff girl
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have you had the dog from a pup if you did i dont think you should have another dog, cause its got bull in it doesnt make a difference id say a labrador is is has a worse tempermant than a bull terrier! get a good stick and when he goes to bite someone wear it off him and keep doing it till he stops

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I think you had a mixed up dog who's problems worsend over time. It's true you should not be in fear of your animal but i dont think that beating sh*t out of animal is way to cure a dominance issue. I help in dog rescue & fear aggression is one of the worse to deal with. I had a collie who had been beaten, he was terrified of kids & men at 3mth old. Took me years to get him to trust & actually like children.


My existing dogs are well socialised, placid, friendly around anything- until you put a staffy near the alsation/grey & spaniels near the labx. Both turn into different dogs- thanks to prats who cant control their dogs & mine been attacked.


It takes common sense to judge your dog & try to rectify it's problems & guts to know when you can do no more. Looking at this thread lots of people have dogs with issues, unfortunately Jasper had too many to be recitified, it happens. No one can blame or judge you. At least you did the right thing & not just hand him in to a rescue & leave them to find out what the problems were.

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This is some stories from an ex-arm dog handler.

It's funny as F! But my point is how he goes on about being top dog - and how he does it. He also tells about the night he didn't 'educate' a new dog before going out with it and what went wrong.


Not having a pop Chrissi, just hope this helps.


By the way, the stories there are very funny, but there are loads of them, so get yourself comfy before you start.

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I think you had a mixed up dog who's problems worsend over time. It's true you should not be in fear of your animal but i dont think that beating sh*t out of animal is way to cure a dominance issue. I help in dog rescue & fear aggression is one of the worse to deal with. I had a collie who had been beaten, he was terrified of kids & men at 3mth old. Took me years to get him to trust & actually like children.


My existing dogs are well socialised, placid, friendly around anything- until you put a staffy near the alsation/grey & spaniels near the labx. Both turn into different dogs- thanks to prats who cant control their dogs & mine been attacked.


It takes common sense to judge your dog & try to rectify it's problems & guts to know when you can do no more. Looking at this thread lots of people have dogs with issues, unfortunately Jasper had too many to be recitified, it happens. No one can blame or judge you. At least you did the right thing & not just hand him in to a rescue & leave them to find out what the problems were.

im not saying beat it so its terrified im saying put it in its place, say that dog bites a kid!

that dog could of been sorted out but these days everyone just goes and has the lethal injection and to be honest i dont blame the dog i bklame the owner

i have bull xs i have a few masstiffs and they would bite for no reason and there not nervouse its the way theyve been brought up

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You should only have to ever give a dog a thrashing once if it's done right


Chrissi take a bit of time and spend it with your remaining dogs, in a few months you'll feel more like starting fresh with a pup or sapling.

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First sorry for your loss

Anyone who has had dogs all their life will tell you there are good ones as well as bad ones Dont you feel bad sometimes you try everything which it sounds like you have and it simply means the dogs not right in the head.


Someone sugested a shock collar Never use a shock collar on a animal when it is aggressive it will simply become more agressive particulary a bull cross as they have high tolerance to pain.


When sourcing the breeding pair for Your next look for something that ticks all the boxes i.e good temprement working ability never use anything that has a suspect temprement otherwise some poor f""""""""r could end up with a offspring like the father uknowingly raising him with a family Imagine having that on your consience



Guard dogs have to be agressive yes but their aggression needs must be controled or it is just like giving a monkey a machine gun



Lastly well done it takes a lot of courage to do what you done having a dog for eight years is a long time good luck with your next one

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Did the dog get out the house much? as far as Lurchers go the dog looks/looked a bit heavy.


Not trying to be a heartless b*****d or anything as you're dealing with losing your dog, but if it was being kept in a house most of its life with not much space to burn up the energy they can become a bit stressed, plus backing down from the dog when it growls at you means he is Alpha male and you will back down as and when he wants you too.


I suppose its all pointless asking now though, RIP Jasper.

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Dont worry it wasnt that he was out working atleast twice a week and every weekend!! and he was walked twice a day morning and night :) i looked after my baby boy but it just wasnt enough i guess!!! and it aint fat just to let you know!!


He was a muscley fuker ha ha xx

Edited by xxchrissixx
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