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Sell or Put Down???

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The other thing to be aware of, is the longer you leave it, the harder it gets. And the more likely it will repeat offend.

Its like a set of balence scales of emotion tipping in or out of favour. I am afraid they never settle.

I have had a terrier PTS for a similar reason. Not my fault, i tried to rescue the dog which had a bad first few years of its life. It broke the wifes heart.

It almost was schitzo... Luvely one minute, evil the next.


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Just read the bit were you say you'd backed down from the dog because it growled at you....that should be it no question you cant have a situation were the dog thinks it's the gaffer. Take it to the vet or get someone to do it for you.


Its not that im a wimp coz it has had me chassin it round the garden before with a shuven coz it growled at me but when it starts spittin at the mouth it looks like it will actually do something!!!


I dont bloody trust it no more!!


Just wondering would anyone get a litter off him before i had him put down??


What and breed more bad temperd nasty dogs :doh:
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think i'd put him to sleep mate.he sounds like an accident waiting to happen.if he does someone over its going to be messy.a friend of mine got badly attacked by a large lurcher a few years ago,his arms were a right mess.he's six foot three and built like a brick shithouse so just think what could happen to a smaller guy or kid.it does'nt bare thinking about..

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I was thinking that dont worry!!


Pases bad genes on and he will go next to a bitch if it will let him shag it but if it aint in season and attackes him wow not a good thing!!!


I aint gona do it!! I just want another jasper with a nice attitude :(


here are some pics x







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if the dogs being agressive to people i dont think sending it to training school would go down to well, as for getting a litter i dont see wat people have a problem with just cause this dog is aggresive doesnt mean there wont be a good litter, and if it was put with a bitch that was in season dont think he would want to eat it to be honest ;) karl

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Guest miller1989

The bitch would only stand for him when shes ready,and if shes not ready likelys to warn the dog off??? what will this dog do if a bitch warns him off! FIGHT by the sounds of it, but is a real shame looks like a cracking dog you have!

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Thats the only downer!! good job the bitch was a lovely girl and didnt give a shit and was ready for him!! didnt warn him off once!! had to have him on a lead though so she could get away if she wanted!!


He is a cracking dog!! GREAT at his job just a shame about the attitude!!! BIG let down:cry:

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if the dogs being agressive to people i dont think sending it to training school would go down to well, as for getting a litter i dont see wat people have a problem with just cause this dog is aggresive doesnt mean there wont be a good litter, and if it was put with a bitch that was in season dont think he would want to eat it to be honest ;) karl

these schools are kitted out for dogs like this , how do you think they train security dogs ? they get dogs aggresive to start with and train them who to bite and when , just thought with chrisse having the dog for 8 years she may not wabt to part with him as aggresive as he his , hes still her dog mate .

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Personnally i would PTS .... you said he has been getting worse and if he is growling at you just now he might just have a go and do a lot of damage and like a few have said what if it is a kid next time,,,,


Hard as it would be i think you know what your gonna do ........

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