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Bad Day

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Well i thought i would take a day off work and get some ferretting in i had been out the weekend with my dog and marked a few nice burys which i planned to do today, upon arrival at the first new bury i was shocked to see that someone had dug three times at the bury in different places but not backfilled properly , and upon looking at the next bury i had in store i could see holes were the pegs had been and then on the next bury i found a ferret collar and some insulation tape, i could not believe it, there is only myself and my grandad who have permission on these few fields, ill be gettin in touch with the farmer tomorrow, i was truly gutted a well awaited day first day for me ruined. :angry:

Edited by wingnut
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i was in the same boat as you are, but thay didnt go away untill i went over and said flinnyt pays me to be here and trust me. f**k off or il call him and he'll deal with you. ( thay were old blokes too) and thay uded old methods, thay would cary thei ferrets by the tail and the ferrets would mall their hands and i sawone of their rabbits the ferret had bolted. it was bloddy all over it;'s back side and thay only caught 5 that day. my day wasnt ruined as i still got 12. :D i was also selling them to another guy so i was making 10$ a dead rabbit :)


p.s he only wanted to buy 4 rabbits :glare: :yes:

Edited by victor
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I was pulled by a land owner I clear rabbits for, for carring an uncovered gun on a bridle path, it was'nt me, so I had to go to riders property so she could say it was'nt me, land owner was very p****d off with me until he realised it was someone else, now I inform him about anything suspicious.

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